illustration - S. Winefride's Well, Exterior; Entrance Lodge & Chapel | anon | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p339 |
illustration - Catholic Church, Holywell - S. Winefride's Altar on Left | anon | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p341 |
illustration - Interior of Crypt; Entrance to small Bath in centre, & S. Winefride's Shrine | anon | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p343 |
illustration - Large Bathing Pool; S. Bruno's stone near steps on left | anon | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p345 |
illustration - S. Winefride's well, Central Spring in Crypt | anon | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p347 |
"The Way of the Soul" | A. Audrey Locke | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p349 |
illustration - Plate 1/48 (Symbolist Vision) | William T Horton | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p352 |
illustration - Plate 2/48 (Symbolist Vision) | William T Horton | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p353 |
illustration - Plate 3/48 (Symbolist Vision) | William T Horton | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p354 |
illustration - Plate 4/48 (Symbolist Vision) | William T Horton | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p355 |
illustration - Plate 5/48 (Symbolist Vision) | William T Horton | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p356 |
illustration - Plate 6/48 (Symbolist Vision) | William T Horton | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p357 |
Children & the Unseen | Reginald B Span | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p358 |
Herald Occultists | Edith Ward | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p365 |
The Mermaid (vf) | Nora Chesson | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p371 |
Woman & Mystic Doctrine | Arthur Edward Waite | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p372 |
The Great Renunciation (vf) | Eva Martin | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p377 |
Ltte - A Personal Experience | Scrutator | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p383 |
Ltte - Symbolical Dreams | Margaret Thomson Macgregor | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p384 |
Ltte - Reincarnation | EW Berridge | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p385 |
Ltte - An Hereditary Thought | WW | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p386 |
Ltte - Astrological Problems | VH Cooke | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p386 |
Ltte - Astrological Theory | Libra | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p387 |
Ltte - Christian Science Origins | RB Ince | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p388 |
Ltte - Why Christian Science Must Fall | WH Edwards | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p390 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p392 |
review - The Psychology of Religious Experience by Edward Scribner Ames | J Arthur Hill | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p396 |
review - The Resurrection Narratives & Modern Criticism by Thomas James Thorburn | J Arthur Hill | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p396 |
review - Philosophical Essays by Bertrand Russell | H Stanley Redgrove | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p397 |
review - The Ruba'iyat of Hafiz by Syed Abdul Majid | EMM | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p398 |
review - Tales of Men & Ghosts by Edith Wharton | BPO'N | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p399 |
review - Maeterlinck's Symbolism; The Blue Bird; & other Essays by Henry Rose | Meredith Starr | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p399 |
review - The House of the Sleeping Winds by Enys Tregarthen | Arthur Edward Waite | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p400 |
review - Man's Supreme Inheritance by Mr Alexander | anon | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p400 |
review - The Following of Christ by John Tanler | Arthur Edward Waite | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p401 |
review - An Introduction to the study of the Kabalah by W Wynn Westcott | Arthur Edward Waite | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p401 |
review - Mysticism: Its True Nature & Value by AB Sharpe | CJ Whitby | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p402 |
review - Therapeutic Dietetics by Norton FW Hazeldine | Scrutator | y1910 | v12 | - | December | p402 |
Notes of the Month | ed | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p1 |
Leibnitz, the Spiritual Philosopher | Charles J Whitby | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p17 |
S Winefride's Well and Legend: (2) The Legend | WJ Wilmshurst | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p30 |
Premonitions | Paulina Fayne | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p39 |
A Dream | Nora Alexander | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p42 |
Count Cagliostro and Freemasonry | AE Waite | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p48 |
Correspondence | anon | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p51 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p53 |
Reviews | anon | y1911 | v13 | - | January | p56 |
Notes of the Month | ed | y1911 | v13 | - | February | p63 |
The Sphinx | Ethel Archer | y1911 | v13 | - | February | p68 |
A Speculation as to the Origin if Psychic Phenomena | W Johnson Roberts | y1911 | v13 | - | February | p69 |