Dawn (vf) | Leo | y1898 | v4 | i7 | March | p245 |
T S Echoes: Countess Wachtmeister's Monthly Letter | Constance Wachtmeister | y1898 | v4 | i7 | March | p246 |
Reports of Branches | various | y1898 | v4 | i7 | March | p247 |
An Appeal from Ceylon | Marie Musaeus Higgins | y1898 | v4 | i7 | March | p251 |
Magazine Reviews | anon | y1898 | v4 | i7 | March | p252 |
Proofs of the Existence of the Soul (1) | Annie Besant | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p255 |
Reincarnation: A Consequence of Evolution, and a General Law (1) | A Marques | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p266 |
An Allegory | Kate Buffington Davis | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p274 |
The Lotus (vf) | Emily Gray Mayberry | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p277 |
Theosophical Studies in the Bible (2) | Sarah JE Solley | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p278 |
TS Echoes: The Countess Wachtmeister's Monthly Letter | Constance Wachtmeister | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p280 |
Letter | Alexander Fullerton | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p281 |
Mrs Besant in the Netherlands | EN | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p281 |
Theosophy in Arizona | Will C Bailey | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p282 |
Reports of Branches | various | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p283 |
review: 'Some Philosophy of the Hermetics' | anon | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p287 |
Magazine reviews | anon | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p288 |
Karma (Music) | JG Whittier, J Oettl | y1898 | v4 | i8 | April | p290 |
Proofs of the Existence of the Soul (2) | Annie Besant | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p291 |
The Birth of the Lotus (vf) | Nellie E Dashiell | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p304 |
Reincarnation (2) | A Marques | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p306 |
Theosophical Studies in the Bible (3) | Sarah JE Solley | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p314 |
TS Echoes: Twelfth Annual Convention of the American Section of the TS: General Secretary's Report | Alexander Fullerton | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p317 |
Reports of Branches | various | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p320 |
review: 'Theosophy Applied' by Lillian Edger | anon | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p322 |
review: 'The Metaphysics of Balzac, as found in the Magic Skin' by Ursula Gestefeld | anon | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p323 |
review: 'Theosophy in Brief, with Hints on Its Practice' by W A English | anon | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p323 |
Magazines and Pamphlets review | anon | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p324 |
American Section Directory | anon | y1898 | v4 | i9 | May | p328 |
HPB'S Opinion of HSO (with an introduction and notes by W A English) | HP Blavatsky | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p331 |
A Study in Black and White Magic from the Standpoint of a Rationalist | Ada Knight Terrel | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p336 |
A Model Prayer | anon | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p342 |
The Woman of the Ages | Charlotte Cecilia Robertson | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p346 |
HPB and White Lotus Day | A Marques | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p348 |
Extract from Letter to the American Convention in 1889 (2) | HP Blavatsky | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p358 |
T S Echoes: Report of Convention Proceedings | Pauline G Kelly | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p361 |
Reports of Branches | various | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p362 |
Magazine and Pamphlets reviews | anon | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p365 |
To Branch Secretaries | anon | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p367 |
American Section Directory | anon | y1898 | v4 | i10 | June | p368 |
The Evolution of Mind | HAW | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p371 |
Philosophy and Creed | Karl Krane | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p380 |
Was Sankaracharya a Buddhist? | H Dharmapala | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p381 |
Meditation and Thought Power (1) | Axel Wachtmeister | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p382 |
The Value of HPB'S Work | anon | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p389 |
What Is Evolution? | Elizabeth Hughes | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p392 |
The Path | R Liftman | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p394 |
Theosophic Nomenclature | A F Knudsen | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p395 |
T S Echoes, Reports of Branches | various | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p397 |
review: 'Ariel, or the Author's World' by Mary Platt Parmele | anon | y1898 | v4 | i11 | July | p401 |