The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Irish Theosophist

The World Knoweth Us Not (2)William Quan Judgey1895v3-Januaryp59
The Mystic Nights' Entertainment (4) Night the SecondAEy1895v3-Januaryp61
Lotus Circle for Littlefolk - The Story of the Wild Thyme (2)anony1895v3-Januaryp64
Ltte - Occultism & TruthJirah Dewey Buck (1838 - 1916)y1895v3-Januaryp66
In the Womb (vf)GWRy1895v3-Januaryp68
Dublin Lodge TSFred J Dicky1895v3-Januaryp68
Ltte - closure of HPB press ordered by AB & BKThomas Greeny1895v3-Januaryp68
Letters to a Lodge (4)Jasper Niemandy1895v3-Februaryp69
Three Great IdeasWilliam Quan Judgey1895v3-Februaryp73
Teachings of a Western Occultist (1) The NeophyteEliphas Levi (tr HT Edge)y1895v3-Februaryp73
History Repeated (a letter of HPB)HP Blavatskyy1895v3-Februaryp76
On the Spur of the MomentAEy1895v3-Februaryp77
A Reminiscenceanony1895v3-Februaryp79
The World Knoweth Us Not (3)William Quan Judgey1895v3-Februaryp81
Lotus Circle for Littlefolk - The Story of the Wild Thyme (3)anony1895v3-Februaryp83
An Old Message from the MasterWilliam Quan Judgey1895v3-Februaryp84
Ltte - The Charges Against William Q Judge (2)William Quan Judgey1895v3-Februaryp85
The Dublin Lodge of the Theosophical SocietyFred J Dicky1895v3-Februaryp85
Brixton Lodge TSHerbert Coryny1895v3-Februaryp85
Our AEanony1895v3-Februaryp86
Ltte - "that WQJ did not himself write Letters that have helped me is false" Julia C & Archibald KeightleyJulia C & Archibald Keightleyy1895v3-Februaryp87
In the Garden of God (vf)GWRy1895v3-Februaryp87
Dublin Lodge TSFred J Dicky1895v3-Februaryp88
HPB Lodge TSHT Edgey1895v3-Februaryp88
The Identity of Chew-Yew-Chang (= Ernest Temple Hargrove)anony1895v3-Marchp89
Truth & OccultismArchibald Keightleyy1895v3-Marchp89
The World Knoweth Us Not (4)William Quan Judgey1895v3-Marchp98
The TS ConstitutionFred J Dicky1895v3-Marchp100
The Legends of Ancient Eire (1)AEy1895v3-Marchp101
Ltte - The persecution of WQJWilliam Quan Judgey1895v3-Marchp103
Ltte - The Priestess of Isis & Her AccusersVera & Charles Johnstony1895v3-Marchp105
To Correspondents (L, GL, CR, M, E, O, HH, JMcK, MFL, EC, Kathoras)DNDy1895v3-Marchp107
Ltte - re Judge articleAP Sinnetty1895v3-Marchp107
Dublin Lodge TSFred J Dicky1895v3-Marchp108
Letters to a Lodge (5)Jasper Niemandy1895v3-Aprilp109
Teachings of a Western Occultist (2) The NeophyteEliphas Levi (tr HT Edge)y1895v3-Aprilp114
A Family of MysticsVera Johnston & JC Keightleyy1895v3-Aprilp116
The Legends of Ancient Eire (2)AEy1895v3-Aprilp119
Mrs Besant as a ProphetTH Willansy1895v3-Aprilp122
Some Quotations (cmpltn)anony1895v3-Aprilp123
A Prophetic Message (HPB to the American Convention TS, 1891)DNDy1895v3-Aprilp125
Tolstoy & Karma (a letters)Count Leo Tolstoyy1895v3-Aprilp126
Ltte - (WQJ controversy)JD Bucky1895v3-Aprilp126
review - Phantasms by Wirt Gerrareanony1895v3-Aprilp128
Dublin Lodge TSFred J Dicky1895v3-Aprilp128
Letters to a Lodge (6)Jasper Niemandy1895v3-Mayp129
The Judge Case - Final Refusal to give copies of Documents to AccusedWilliam Quan Judgey1895v3-Mayp132
Adepts & MediumsBasil Crump (- 1945)y1895v3-Mayp133
The Breath of Light (vf)GWR (AE)y1895v3-Mayp136
Ltte - (controversy concerning AK, BK, WQJ, GRSM, AB)Ernest T Hargrove (____-1939)y1895v3-Mayp137
Showing 251 to 300 of 587 entries