The Unstately Homes of England | L Orchard | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p154 |
Immortality (vf) | Jasper Smith | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p155 |
Indian Home Rule | AJ Willson | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p156 |
International Bulletin - Australia | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p160 |
Norway | Helen Egelsrud | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p161 |
France | Zelma Blech | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p161 |
Switzerland | Marie-Louise Brandt | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p162 |
A Message for 1917 | George S Arundale | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p162 |
An Experiment in Fellowship | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p164 |
review - Janus & Vesta - A Study of the World Crisis & After by Beuchara Branford | LF | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p165 |
review - The Care of the School Child ed by James Kerr | DCB | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p167 |
review - The Schools & the Nation by Dr Georg Kerschensteiner | AJW | y1917 | v6 | - | March | p167 |
Content | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p169 |
frontispiece - The Higher Stoicism (vf) | James H Cousins | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p170 |
In the Starlight | Emily Lutyens | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p171 |
The Battle Hymn of the Republic (vf) | Julia Ward Howe | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p173 |
The Children's House (2) | Mrs Jessie White | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p174 |
Photo - from the Film: A Day in a Montessori School in London | CA Bang | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p176 |
Photo - Mrs Jessie White | J Weston & Sons | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p177 |
Photo - Madame Montessori | CA Bang | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p178 |
The Conscientious Objector - A reply to Mr EA Wodehouse | Bertrand Russell | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p181 |
Maternity & Child Welfare (5) The Duty of the State | EJ Smith | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p184 |
photo - "The Raw Material", male 7 months (showing severe malnutrition) | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p184 |
photo - "The Finished Article" (once emaciated, now a plump overfed fat child) | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p185 |
photo - Infants' Hospital - Ward | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p186 |
photo - Children's Special Hospital - Operating Theatre | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p187 |
The Temple of Sorrow - To England, mourning (vf) (long poem) | EA Wodehouse | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p191 |
photo - Mr Hobson | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p198 |
The Case for National Guilds (3) Guild Principles in Reconstruction | SG Hobson | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p198 |
When None were for the Party, & all were for the State | F Hallett | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p204 |
photo - Cyril Scott | AF Coburn, 1916 | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p205 |
The Music of Poetry (1) | Cyril Scott | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p205 |
The Bishop's Crusade | George Whitehead | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p210 |
Vita Nuova (vf) | G Mackie | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p212 |
India's Need of the Coming World-Teacher | DN Bannerjea | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p213 |
review - Your Part in Poverty by George Lansbury | EL | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p215 |
Books we should read | various | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p215 |
review - Across the Bridges or Life by the South London Riverside by Alexander Paterson | GC | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p217 |
review - The Nation of the Future - A Survey of Hygienic Conditions & Possibilities by L Haden Guest | AJW | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p218 |
International Bulletin - The Catholicity of the Order | EA Wodehouse | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p219 |
India - Servants of the Star | D Rajagopalacharya | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p221 |
photo - D Rajagopalacharya | Games & Laurie | y1917 | v6 | - | April | p223 |
contents | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | May | p225 |
frontispiece - The Incarnate (vf) | Mary Packer Harris | y1917 | v6 | - | May | p226 |
In the Starlight | Emily Lutyens | y1917 | v6 | - | May | p227 |
filler - Imitation of Christ | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | May | p230 |
Educational Reconstruction (3) The Individuality of the Child | JM (LM) Rendel | y1917 | v6 | - | May | p231 |
illustration - photo - A Happy Class | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | May | p232 |
illustration - photo - Children making pictures | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | May | p233 |
illustration - photo - Work & Play | anon | y1917 | v6 | - | May | p236 |