Ba'al Shem Tov | anon | y1983 | v9 | i12 | Dec | p567 |
Karma and Self-Mastery | Arnold Toynbee | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
Theurgy and Transmutation | anon | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p2 |
An Artist in Kouroo | Henry David Thoreau | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p13 |
Redress to all Mankind (vf) [reprint from 'In Memoriam AHH'] | Alfred Lord Tennyson | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p14 |
Symbols: Apollo | anon | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p16 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p29 |
Divine Manifestation | HP Blavatsky | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p30 |
From Egoism to Brahman [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p33 |
Glossary | anon | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p36 |
Correlations: Imagination and Fantasy | various | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p37 |
Numa | anon | y1984 | v10 | i1 | Jan | p39 |
Subjective and Objective | IK Taimni | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p49 |
Consciousness and Existence | anon | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p50 |
Symbols: The Trident | anon | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p62 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p73 |
Samsara and Sunyata | anon | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p74 |
Science and Spirituality [from 'Inaugural Address, Alpbach Conference, September 1983] | Tenzin Gyatso | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p77 |
Correlations: Consciousness and Wisdom | various | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p82 |
The Seals of Approval (vf) [reprint from 'Prometheus Unbound'] | Percy Bysshe Shelley | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p84 |
Glossary | anon | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p85 |
Solon | anon | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p86 |
The Hen and the Swallow | Lord Dunsany | y1984 | v10 | i2 | Feb | p95 |
Freedom and Ascent | Martin Lings | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p97 |
Space and Self-Consciousness | anon | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p98 |
Hymn to Ra ]vf] [reprint from 'The Egyptian Book of the Dead'] [translation by Robert Hillyer] | anon | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p110 |
Mystic Moderation [reprint from 'The Path' New York 1887] | WG Judge | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p112 |
Symbols: The Labyrinth | anon | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p115 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p129 |
Correlations: The Great Unknown | various | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p130 |
Healing Oneself [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p132 |
Posidonius of Apamea | anon | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p134 |
Tamino and Pamina [reprint from 'The Magic Flute'] | G Lowes Dickinson | y1984 | v10 | i3 | Mar | p142 |
Science and Creativity | Boris Kuznetsov | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p145 |
Manasadharma | anon | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p146 |
Symbols: The Candle | anon | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p157 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p169 |
Divine Discipline [reprint from 'Living the Life'] | BP Wadia | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p170 |
Fullness of Time (vf) | James Stephens | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p175 |
Seeking Nirvana [reprint from 'Maharatnakuta Sutra' XXXI] | anon | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p176 |
Glossary | anon | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p179 |
Correlations: Deity and Law | various | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p180 |
Vrindavana: An Indian Tale | anon | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p182 |
Galen | anon | y1984 | v10 | i4 | Apr | p183 |
Breadth and Depth | Daisaku Ikeda | y1984 | v10 | i5 | May | p193 |
Sat and Sattva | anon | y1984 | v10 | i5 | May | p194 |
Lifting the Veil (vf) [reprint from 'The Light of Asia'] | Edwin Arnold | y1984 | v10 | i5 | May | p206 |
Symbols: The Heart | anon | y1984 | v10 | i5 | May | p207 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1984 | v10 | i5 | May | p219 |
Love with an Object [reprint from 'Lucifer' London 1888] | HP Blavatsky | y1984 | v10 | i5 | May | p220 |