Mis'r the Wise - A Turkish Tale | Ali | y1899 | v3 | i6 | September | p118 |
The Fifth Annual Convention, Theosophical Society in England | anon | y1899 | v3 | i6 | September | p120 |
review (2 journals) | anon | y1899 | v3 | i6 | September | p132 |
The Clarion Call (Some Modern Failings) | anon | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p133 |
Editorial Notes | anon | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p134 |
A Reminder | S. | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p137 |
filler | Carlyle | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p138 |
The Sleeping Spheres (2) | Jasper Niemand | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p139 |
filler | Emerson | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p151 |
The First Constitution of the TS | The Inspector | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p152 |
Lights & Leaders | JD Buck | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p154 |
Activities | anon | y1899 | v3 | i7 | October | p156 |
Proof (What Proof Have We?) | anon | y1899 | v3 | i8 | November | p157 |
Editorial Notes | anon | y1899 | v3 | i8 | November | p158 |
HPB's Seal | Another of the Staff | y1899 | v3 | i8 | November | p161 |
filler | Marcus Aurelius | y1899 | v3 | i8 | November | p165 |
The Sleeping Spheres (3) | Jasper Niemand | y1899 | v3 | i8 | November | p166 |
The Theosophical Movement (cmpld from the writings of HP Blavatsky) | HPB | y1899 | v3 | i8 | November | p176 |
Activities - TS England Financial Statement, Oct 1899 | W Bruce | y1899 | v3 | i8 | November | p180 |
Charity | HP Blavatsky | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p181 |
Lines from Lower Levels (rprnt The Path v1 #9) | J_________ | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p182 |
HPB on Occultism | anon | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p193 |
The Sun of the Soul | RF | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p195 |
The Fundamental Propositions of the Oriental Philosophy (extract rprntd Isis Unveiled) | HPB | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p198 |
Answers to Questions (a higher conception of Brotherhood) | ARW | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p199 |
Answers to Questions (a higher conception of Brotherhood) | J. | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p199 |
Answers to Questions (a higher conception of Brotherhood) | RAVM | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p200 |
Answers to Questions (a higher conception of Brotherhood) | FG | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p201 |
Answers to Questions (a higher conception of Brotherhood) | A. | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p202 |
Activities - various | anon | y1899 | v3 | i9 | December | p204 |
Occultism (from a Master's Letter) | anon | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p205 |
Gleanings - from unpublished Letters of WQJ (1) | (WQJ) | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p206 |
Theosophy as a World Philosophy | RP | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p209 |
Socialism in Relation to Theosophy | T Musk | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p214 |
filler | Ruskin | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p219 |
review - A New Book on Reincarnation - A Short View of Great Questions by Orlando J Smith | A. | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p220 |
reviews (various journals) | anon | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p224 |
Questions & Answers | anon | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p226 |
Activities - The English Theosophist | anon | y1900 | v3 | i10 | January | p227 |
The One Thing Needful | HP Blavatsky | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p229 |
The Image Makers | anon | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p230 |
filler | John Ruskin | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p237 |
Gleanings - from unpublished Letters of WQJ (3) | (WQJ) | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p238 |
?? in Relation to ?? | HHB | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p244 |
Questions & Answers (can the Soul retrogress & be lost?) | J. | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p247 |
reviews (various journals) | BG | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p248 |
Activities - The Theosophical Society in Vienna | anon | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p251 |
Activities - The Theosophical Society in England | anon | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p251 |
On the True (rprnt The Path v2 #4,5,6) | Jasper Niemand | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p253 |
filler | Che-Yew-Tsang | y1900 | v3 | i11 | February | p264 |