Master KH and Tennyson | Charles R Carter | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p121 |
HP Blavatsky and Tennyson [reprint 'Reminiscences of HP Blavatsky'] | Bertram Keightley | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p125 |
The Centennial Cycle [translated by Ida Schneider] [reprint 'Alba Spirituale' August 1963] | Roberto Fantechi | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p126 |
The Adept, Paracelsus | Elouise R Harrison | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p130 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | DWB | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p131 |
The Annual Election | DW Barr | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p132 |
Letter | Grahame W Barratt | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p133 |
Letter | Frederick E Tyler | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p133 |
Letter | Gertrude B Cunningham | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p134 |
Letter | WE Wilks | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p134 |
Letter | Geo W Weaver | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p135 |
The First Inter-American Theosophical Congress | Helen Barthelmes | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p138 |
review: 'The Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures' by William Kingsland | CEB | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p140 |
review: 'Obituary: The "Hodgson Report" on Madame Blavatsky' by Adlai E Waterman | TGD | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p141 |
review: 'Experiments in Mental Suggestion' by LL Vasiliev | RA Sattelberg | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p141 |
Index - The Canadian Theosophist Vol 44 | anon | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p142 |
Russians and Americans Study Thought Transference | anon | y1964 | v44 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p142 |
William Quan Judge: April 13, 1851 - March 21, 1896 | TGD | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p1 |
From the Presidential Address: To the 88th International Convention | N Sri Ram | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p2 |
Discrimination: For the Student of Theosophy | WE Wilks | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p7 |
What is Theosophy? [translated by Inez van Assche] | H Styff | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p10 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | DWB | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p11 |
Letter | Richard Sattelberg | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p13 |
Letter | George Cardinal LeGros | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p13 |
Modern Art and HP Blavatsky | JTM | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p14 |
review: 'The Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett' Third and Revised Edition, edited by Christmas Humphreys and Elsie Benjamin | DWB | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p18 |
review: 'There is No Religion Higher than Truth' by EL Gardner | WEW | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p19 |
review: 'The Last Four Lives of Annie Besant' by Arthur H Nethercot | JM Prentice | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p20 |
review: 'The Principles of Astrology' Fifth and Revised Edition by Charles E O Carter | KS | y1964 | v45 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p23 |
Madame Blavatsky [reprint 'The New York Tribune' May 10, 1891] | anon | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p26 |
Spiritual Adequacy | Montague A Machell | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p27 |
An Ancient Universalism | Esme Wynne-Tyson | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p29 |
The Uncertainty Principle as Applied to Occult Phenomena [reprint 'New Leaves' September 1963] | anon | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p32 |
Freedom | Mabel Carr | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p33 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | DWB | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p35 |
Annual Election | DWB | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p37 |
Letter | Grahame W Barratt | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p37 |
God's Loved Ones | DWB | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p37 |
Letter | PM Poulin | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p38 |
Parmenides as Seen Through Plato | Peter Bandtlow | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p41 |
review: 'The Tarot for Today' by Mayananda | Jessie Webb | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p46 |
review: 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections' by CG Jung, recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe | TGD | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p46 |
review: 'The Ascent of Man' by Eleanor C Merry | TGD | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p47 |
review: 'Science, Culture and Man' ed Bepin Behari | TGD | y1964 | v45 | i2 | May-Jun | p47 |
There is No Religion Higher than Truth | WE Wilks | y1964 | v45 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p49 |
Behold the Truth Before You... | HP Blavatsky | y1964 | v45 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p51 |
Non Vi E Religione Superiore Alla Verita [translated by RM Vosse] | Roberto Hack | y1964 | v45 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p52 |
The Search for Truth | John Hathway | y1964 | v45 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p56 |
The Theosophical Society in Canada - Election 1964 | anon | y1964 | v45 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p58 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | DWB | y1964 | v45 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p59 |