The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Transactions Annual Congresses of the Federation of European Sections Theosophical Society

The Reconstruction of BeliefsI Hoopery1904v1-Junep223
(in French) Les Principales Idees Theosophiques et Orientales dans les Philosophies Francaise, Suisse, etcL Revely1904v1-Junep229
(in French) Les Principales Idées Théosophiques et Orientales dans les Philosophies Française, Suisse, etcL Revely1904v1-Junep229
(in French) Conscience et MatièreL Desainty1904v1-Junep245
(in French) Conscience et MatiereL Desainty1904v1-Junep245
Department D - Scienceanony1904v1-Junep263
Contents of Department Danony1904v1-Junep264
(in German) "Multiplex Personality" - Eine AnregungLudwig Deinhardy1904v1-Junep265
The Development of a Secondary PersonalityAR Oragey1904v1-Junep269
(in German) Zwei psychische ErfahrungenLudwig L Lindemanny1904v1-Junep277
(in French) Les aspects de la Conscience dans l'homme (sub; normale; super)Th Pascaly1904v1-Junep279
(in Italian) Spazio, Forme e Materia a Piu DimensioniEmilio Scalfaroy1904v1-Junep289
(in Italian) Spazio, Forme e Materia a Più DimensioniEmilio Scalfaroy1904v1-Junep289
(in Italian) Il Meccanismo della Visione e la Quarta DimensioneArturo Reghiniy1904v1-Junep307
Regular Four-Dimensional HypersolidsSarah Corbetty1904v1-Junep315
El termino "Anitos". La raiz "an" y sus significados (see Sophia, Revista Teosofica vol 8, page 28)Virialto Diaz-Perezy1904v1-Junep323
El término "Anitos". La raiz "an" y sus significados (see Sophia, Revista Teosófica vol 8, page 28)Virialto Diaz-Perezy1904v1-Junep323
Criminality & Karma - some conceptions of criminal anthropology in the light of theosophySamuel van Westy1904v1-Junep325
(in French) Le Role Respectif des Differents Regnes de la Nature, en ce qui Concerne l'Alimentation de l'HommeJules Grandy1904v1-Junep335
(in French) Le Rôle Respectif des Différents Règnes de la Nature, en ce qui Concerne l'Alimentation de l'HommeJules Grandy1904v1-Junep335
Department E - Artanony1904v1-Junep347
(English abridgement of French paper) The Mission of ArtJean Delvilley1904v1-Junep348
Contents of Department Eanony1904v1-Junep348
A Plea for Symbolism in ArtMargaret Duncany1904v1-Junep355
(in French) Application de quelques Enseignements Theosophiques a l'Art du ChantA. Andre Gedalgey1904v1-Junep359
(in French) Application de quelques Enseignements Théosophiques à l'Art du ChantA. André Gédalgey1904v1-Junep359
(in French) Theosophie und KunstFidusy1904v1-Junep363
Department F - Administration, Propaganda, Methods of Work, etcanony1904v1-Junep369
Contents of Department Fanony1904v1-Junep370
The Theosophical Society & the Faith to ComeI Hoopery1904v1-Junep371
(in French) Resume du Mouvement Theosophique en ItalieD Calvariy1904v1-Junep381
(in French) Résumé du Mouvement Théosophique en ItalieD Calvariy1904v1-Junep381
Department G - Occultismanony1904v1-Junep387
Contents of Department Ganony1904v1-Junep388
Occultism & Occult TrainingAnnie Besanty1904v1-Junep389
The Inner Side of Things (see The Lotus Journal v2 p94, p101)CW Leadbeatery1904v1-Junep399
Part (4) Indicesanony1904v1-Junep401
Contents of Part (4)anony1904v1-Junep402
The Pronunciation of Sanskrit wordsanony1904v1-Junep403
Index to Parts (1) & (2)anony1904v1-Junep405
Index to Part (3)anony1904v1-Junep409
(last page)(ed note)y1904v1-Junep422
Papers in Parts (2) & (3)anony1904v1-June_o+
Transactions of the First Annual Congress ... held in Amsterdam June 19th, 20th & 21st, 1904; edited by Johananony1904v1-June_c+
PrefaceJohan Van Maneny1904v1-June_e+
Note - Official Agents for the Sale of these transactionsanony1904v1-June_d+
EJ Brill, printers, Leiden, Hollandanony1904v1-June_b+
Transactions of the 2nd Annual Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the TS (London, July 6-10)anony1905v2-July_p1
Part 1 - Officialanony1905v2-Julyp1
Showing 51 to 100 of 415 entries