The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Theosophist

Palmistry; its Oriental PhaseN Chidambaram Iyery1890v11-Augustp601
noteHS Olcotty1890v11-Augustp605
Varaha-Upanishad of Krishna-Yajur Veda (3)(tr Kumbakonam TS)y1890v11-Augustp607
Striking Home (4)Nadiey1890v11-Augustp611
Symbolism in the "Chin-Mudra"PR Venkatarama Iyery1890v11-Augustp617
Missionary IllusionsAlphay1890v11-Augustp621
Notes on AmitabhaSE Gopalacharluy1890v11-Augustp624
The Power Behind the UniverseED Fawcetty1890v11-Augustp631
The Adyar Lecturesanony1890v11-Augustp631
correspondence - Theosophy in Western Lands (London)ALCy1890v11-Augustp661
Bad Advice (Money Problems)HS Olcotty1890v11-Sept+p160
Society of the Friends of Truth - Bye-lawsB Dondoumisy1890v11-Sept+p162
Mrs Watts Hughes' Sound-Pictures (8 graphics)HS Olcotty1890v11-Septemberp665
Indian & Buddhist RosariesSE Gopalacharluy1890v11-Septemberp671
Kavallya-Upanishad of Krishna-Yajur-Veda(tr Kumbakonam TS) Om Tatsaty1890v11-Septemberp678
Amirthabindu-Upanishad of Krishna-Yajur Veda(tr Kumbakonam TS) Om-Tatsaty1890v11-Septemberp680
The Divining RodLouise Cottony1890v11-Septemberp681
Highland Second-SightFred J Dicky1890v11-Septemberp685
Higher ScienceD.y1890v11-Septemberp686
Objects of the Theosophical SocietyBertram Keightleyy1890v11-Septemberp699
The Adyar Lectures - ClairvoyanceJ Bowles Dalyy1890v11-Septemberp701
Mr Fawcett on "Modern Philosophy, from Kant to Herbert Spencer"F.y1890v11-Septemberp711
Mr Harte on Hypnotism(Richard Harte)y1890v11-Septemberp720
The New Volumeanony1890v11-Septemberp733
Head-Quarters Official OrdersHS Olcotty1890v12-Oct+p1
Nett Result of our Indian WorkHS Olcotty1890v12-Octoberp1
obituary - Mohattiwatte Gunanandaanony1890v12-Oct+p4
obituary - Babu-Hridoy Nath DaripaIndranarayan Biswasy1890v12-Oct+p5
The Buddhist Flag in Commerce!anony1890v12-Oct+p6
Women in Ancient India (1)SE Gopalacharluy1890v12-Octoberp7
The Serpent: Serpent Symbols in Religion (1) (rprnt)Alexander Wildery1890v12-Octoberp14
Some dangers in modern EducationFA Brodie-Innesy1890v12-Octoberp20
The Religious Aspects of the Early Tantras of the Hindus (1)K Chakravartiy1890v12-Octoberp23
Symbolism in the "Holy Thread"PR Venkatarama Iyery1890v12-Octoberp30
Vedantavartikam (6)BP Narasimmiahy1890v12-Octoberp33
Subhasita: A Sinhalese Book of Buddhist Maxims (1)HJ Mendisy1890v12-Octoberp40
The Hindu Theory of Vibration as the Producer of Sounds, Forms & Colors (1)C Kotayyay1890v12-Octoberp44
ExpositionA. Sankariahy1890v12-Octoberp44
The Adyar Lectures - Mr Fawcett on "Mind & Body"anony1890v12-Octoberp53
correspondence - Theosophy in Western Lands (London)ALCy1890v12-Octoberp60
Notes on Branches VisitedBertram Keightleyy1890v12-Nov+p7
As Others Paint Us!variousy1890v12-Nov+p12
The First Leaf of TS HistoryHS Olcotty1890v12-Novemberp65
Maitrayo-Upanishad of Sama Veda(tr Kumbakonam TS)y1890v12-Novemberp70
Tamil ProverbsPR Venkatarama Iyery1890v12-Novemberp76
The Serpent: Serpent Symbols in Religion (2)Alexander Wildery1890v12-Novemberp80
The Hindu Theory of Vibration as the Producer of Sounds, Forms & Colors (2)C Kotayyay1890v12-Novemberp88
The Religious Aspects of the Early Tantras of the Hindus (2)K Chakravartiy1890v12-Novemberp91
Buddhism, Positivism & Modern PhilosophyED Fawcetty1890v12-Novemberp93
Women in Ancient India (2)SE Gopala Charluy1890v12-Novemberp98
Showing 4751 to 4800 of 26591 entries