The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Theosophist

The Allegory of the Zoroastrian Cosmogony {a promised sequel is not evident}AJDy1887v9-Novemberp78
Rosicrucian Letters (VI) Personal ExperiencesFHy1887v9-Novemberp81
A Brief Sketch of MadhavacharyaG Srivamamurthiy1887v9-Novemberp86
Self Levitation (II)KR Venkata Kistnarowy1887v9-Novemberp96
Self Levitation (I)L Venkatakristnayyay1887v9-Novemberp96
Self Levitation (IV)V Vasudeva Sastriy1887v9-Novemberp97
Self Levitation (III)Hakim Goolam Khader Sahiby1887v9-Novemberp97
Nature's Finer Forces (1) their influence on Human Health & DestinyRama Prasady1887v9-Novemberp98
TetragrammatonHP Blavatskyy1887v9-Novemberp104
Kaivalyanavanita (8) (111-120)TM Sundaram Pillaiy1887v9-Novemberp116
The Kabbala & the Microcosm (3)Montague R Lazarusy1887v9-Novemberp119
The Crest Jewel of Wisdom (452-512) (tr Mohini M Chatterji)Sankaracharyay1887v9-Novemberp124
Hindu Astrology (a review of T Medhava Row's Notes on Hindu Astrology)anony1887v9-Novemberp129
The Watseka Wonder (Lurancy Vennum), a reviewanony1887v9-Novemberp130
Editorial Notice (Oct 1887, HSO takes legal responsibility of the editorship of the Theosophist)HS Olcotty1887v9-Novemberp132
Bellary Sanmarga SamajTA Swaminatha Aiyary1887v9-Dec+p7
obituary - Adelbert de Bourbonanony1887v9-Dec+p9
Travestied Teachings (III) The Serpent in EdenHenry Pratty1887v9-Decemberp133
Theosophy in FranceHS Olcotty1887v9-Decemberp138
The Relations of the Lower & the Higher SelfAP Sinnetty1887v9-Decemberp144
Rosicrucian Letters (VII) "The Brothers" (Letter of 1801)FHy1887v9-Decemberp153
The Crest Jewel of Wisdom (513-583) (tr Mohini M Chatterji)Sankaracharyay1887v9-Decemberp158
The Bhrigu Sanhita (1) {no evident sequel}Kedar Nath Chatterjeey1887v9-Decemberp163
The Kabbala & the Microcosm (4)Montague R Lazarusy1887v9-Decemberp167
The Speech of the GodsC Johnston & Geo Russelly1887v9-Decemberp171
Ghost-Lore from Guzerat (1)Maurice Fredaly1887v9-Decemberp176
review - Posthumous Humanity by Adolphe D'Assieranony1887v9-Decemberp181
review - Ancient Iranian & Zoroastrian Morals by DJ Medhoraanony1887v9-Decemberp184
review - Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas & the Quiches by Augustus Le Plongeon (1826-1908)anony1887v9-Decemberp185
review - Phantasms of the Living by Edmund Gurneyanony1887v9-Decemberp187
correspondence - Hindu Astrology & T Madhavaraoa lover of truthy1887v9-Decemberp189
Rajah Sir Madhava Row on Hindu AstrologyA. Sankariahy1887v9-Decemberp194
General Report of the 12th Convention & AnniversaryHS Olcotty1888v9-Jan+p11
Address of the President-FounderHS Olcotty1888v9-Jan+p12
(Madame Blavatsky's Health)HS Olcotty1888v9-Jan+p17
Secretary's Report of Asiatic BranchesAJ Cooper-Oakleyy1888v9-Jan+p19
Report of Ceylon BranchesCW Leadbeatery1888v9-Jan+p26
Report of the Kandy (Buddhist) Theosophical SocietyE D'Silvay1888v9-Jan+p28
Annual Report of the Vienna LodgeFriedrich Ecksteiny1888v9-Jan+p29
Report of the Dublin LodgeCharles Johnstony1888v9-Jan+p31
AmericaAlexander Fullertony1888v9-Jan+p32
Report of the Blavatsky Lodge (London)Thomas B Harbottley1888v9-Jan+p34
The Theosophical Society Objects, Revised Rules, & Bye-laws of 1887anony1888v9-Jan+p45
Special Informationanony1888v9-Jan+p68
Travestied Teachings (IV)Henry Pratty1888v9-Januaryp197
Ghost-Lore from Guzerat (2)Maurice Fredaly1888v9-Januaryp202
Hindu MeteorologyJS Gadgily1888v9-Januaryp209
Decay of the Brahmo SamajDC Fennoy1888v9-Januaryp216
Mythical History of Japan - The Seven Generations of Celestial Spirits(`Chintai Kiuan`)y1888v9-Januaryp220
The Principle of PolarityNavroji Dorabji Khandalvalay1888v9-Januaryp226
Showing 4101 to 4150 of 26591 entries