Address from Russia | Gustav Zorn | y1886 | v7 | - | Jan+ | p74 |
Oriental Library | various | y1886 | v7 | - | Jan+ | p81 |
Report of the Committee on the Registration of the Society | various | y1886 | v7 | - | Jan+ | p82 |
Report of the Committee on Rules | various | y1886 | v7 | - | Jan+ | p82 |
The TS Objects, Revised Rules, & Bye-Laws of 1886 | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | Jan+ | p89 |
Special Information | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | Jan+ | p108 |
Occultism in Modern Literature (5) | Miad Hoyo-Ra Kora-Hon | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p217 |
The Bhratri Dwitiya | Krishnadhan Mukerji | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p229 |
Some Aspects of Memory: Asthavadhanam | HS Olcott | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p230 |
Personal Recollections of Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant 1810-1875) | Mary Gebhard | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p241 |
Have Animals Souls? (I) | HP Blavatsky | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p243 |
Zoroastrianism (4) | Dhunjibhoy Jamsetjee Medhora | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p249 |
The Crest Jewel of Wisdom (50-105) (tr Mohini M Chatterji) | Sankaracharya | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p253 |
The true Prayer | KPM | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p258 |
Light on the Path (4) MC {+ lots of commentary} | P Sreenevas Row | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p260 |
Posthumous unpublished writings 4-4 | Eliphas Levi | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p270 |
review - Scientific Romances by Charles Howard Hinton | LS Cook | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p272 |
Patanjali's Yoga Philosophy ed by Tukaram Tatya | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p278 |
correspondence - Isis Unveiled & the Vishistadvaita | HP Blavatsky | y1886 | v7 | - | January | p279 |
Mr Lane-Fox's Manifesto | DMS | y1886 | v7 | - | Feb+ | p111 |
Portrait of HPB by Schmiechen (no graphic) | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | Feb+ | p111 |
Rules & Regulations (of a Branch) | (Karur) | y1886 | v7 | - | Feb+ | p112 |
London Lodge Theosophical Society | Bertram Keightley | y1886 | v7 | - | Feb+ | p112 |
Rules & Regulations (of a Branch) | (Nagpore) | y1886 | v7 | - | Feb+ | p113 |
Rules & Bye-Laws of the Sabita TS | (Dakshineswar) | y1886 | v7 | - | Feb+ | p115 |
Colonel Olcott on Agriculture (rprnt Madras Mail) | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | Feb+ | p116 |
obituary - Lord Borthwick | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | Feb+ | p118 |
Bhagavad Gita | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p281 |
The Theosophical Society & its Work | Mohini M Chatterji | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p285 |
Indian Sibylline Books (3) The Sequel | HS Olcott | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p293 |
Have Animals Souls? (II) | HP Blavatsky | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p295 |
Nirvana | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p302 |
Psychic Theories | N Count Gonemys | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p303 |
Lonely Musings (II) | Pilgrim | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p314 |
Posthumous unpublished writings 4-5 | Eliphas Levi | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p316 |
A House Haunted by a Double | P. | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p319 |
Light on the Path (5) MC {+ lots of commentary} | P Sreenevas Row | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p321 |
A Tardy Release (1) | Charles Webster | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p329 |
review - The Brother of the Shadow by Mrs Campbell Praed | NC | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p339 |
correspondence - Vedic Medicine | Raj Coomar Roy | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p341 |
The Sadhu of Kotacheroo | VR Chakravarti | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p342 |
Folk-Lore Concerning the Hair | IN Biswas | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p343 |
Human Aura | Kali Prasanna Mukerji | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p343 |
obituary - Nepali Swami | Gopi Nath | y1886 | v7 | - | February | p344 |
America | William Quan Judge | y1886 | v7 | - | March+ | p120 |
Practical Yoga Vidya | anon | y1886 | v7 | - | March+ | p122 |
Yoga Vidya practices are dangerous | HS Olcott | y1886 | v7 | - | March+ | p122 |
The Vedas | A Brahman | y1886 | v7 | - | March | p345 |
Have Animals Souls? (III) | HP Blavatsky | y1886 | v7 | - | March | p348 |
Posthumous unpublished writings 4-6 | Eliphas Levi | y1886 | v7 | - | March | p355 |