The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Theosophist

The Moradabad TS [belief in the Mahatmas & in Blavatsky's integrity not shaken by the Coulombs]Purushotam Dassy1884v6-Dec+p165
Rae-BareliRamprashad (? Rama Prasad)y1884v6-Dec+p165
Behar Theosophical SocietyGovinda Charany1884v6-Dec+p165
The Ganayakoor Theosophical SocietyRoy Kissen Mookerjeey1884v6-Dec+p165
The Bara-Banki Theosophical SocietyBrij Mohonlal Shuklay1884v6-Dec+p165
The Aryan Patriotic Theosophical Society, AligarhGovind Prasaday1884v6-Dec+p165
The Coimbature Theosophical SocietyTM Sundarum Pillaiy1884v6-Dec+p165
Nellore Theosophical SocietyR Casavapilllay (Casavapillay)y1884v6-Dec+p166
Atma Bodh Theosophical Society (Moradabad)anony1884v6-Dec+p166
Galle Theosophical SocietyGCA Jayasekaray1884v6-Dec+p166
The Kanchunjanga Theosophical Society (Darjeeling)Eshan Chandra Kunduy1884v6-Dec+p166
The Negapatam Theosophical SocietyNP Balachandriery1884v6-Dec+p166
Satya Marga Theosophical SocietyJwala Prasada Sankhadharay1884v6-Dec+p166
The Dacca Theosophical SocietyRanjan Vilas Rai Choudhury (? Chaudhuri)y1884v6-Dec+p166
Negapatam Theosophical SocietyRP Balachandumy1884v6-Dec+p166
The Sarva Hitkari Theosophical Society, GorakpurT Ganesh Singhy1884v6-Dec+p166
The Jamalpur Theosophical SocietyRaj Coomar Royy1884v6-Dec+p166
The Simla Theosophical SocietyKumud Chander Mukerjiy1884v6-Dec+p166
An Acknowledgmentanony1884v6-Dec+p167
Chohan Theosophical Societyanony1884v6-Dec+p167
AdoniCS Vasudavayyay1884v6-Dec+p167
Our New Branches; Gyanankoor TS (Saidpore, Bengal) [our brother Hari Har Chatterjee has formed ...]anony1884v6-Dec+p167
Our New Branchesvariousy1884v6-Dec+p167
Notice - The Journal of the Theosophical Societyanony1884v6-Dec+p167
The Secret Doctrine: Special NoticeHS Olcotty1884v6-Dec+p167
obituary - Thomas Perera Abeywardeneanony1884v6-Dec+p167
Extracts from Circular Letter to the BranchesHS Olcotty1884v6-Dec+p167
Madras Theosophical Society's Sanskrit School in Black TownTC Rajamiengary1884v6-Dec+p167
[eight advertisements]variousy1884v6-Dec+p168
NoticeDamodar K Mavalankary1885v6-Januaryp75
Notice [the January 1885 issue printed early due to Anniversary Celebrations]Damodar K Mavalankary1885v6-Januaryp75
Unpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (4)Eliphas Leviy1885v6-Januaryp75
A Séance with Mr Gladstoneanony1885v6-Januaryp78
Shri Vakya Sudha - The Eternal Atman (Spirit) - tr, with notesManilal N Dvivediy1885v6-Januaryp79
Practical Instructions for Students of Occultism (IX) ManABy1885v6-Januaryp83
Vital Magnetism as old as the UpanishadsR Padmanabhay1885v6-Januaryp84
Aphorisms of the Sages (from the book of Maimonides & Tibban)PTO Charyary1885v6-Januaryp85
The Blackness of Tropical Man (rprnt Nature)AT Frasery1885v6-Januaryp86
The Ancient Aryan Civilization & Modern Progress(Saint-George Lane-Fox)y1885v6-Januaryp88
The Substantial Philosophyanony1885v6-Januaryp88
The Iranian OannesNDKy1885v6-Januaryp90
Psychic Manifestations - Another Marvel for Scientistsanony1885v6-Januaryp91
The Divining Rod (rprnt Newbury News)variousy1885v6-Januaryp91
Apparitions - Strange Sight at Redruthanony1885v6-Januaryp92
note [to "Rules of Life"]anony1885v6-Januaryp93
The Indestructibility of SoundSri Kshirod Sarmay1885v6-Januaryp93
A Miner sees his Comrade's Double"Cornubian"y1885v6-Januaryp93
Ltte - Rules of LifeWRFy1885v6-Januaryp93
Gautama BuddhaM Narasimhayyay1885v6-Januaryp94
Showing 3301 to 3350 of 26591 entries