review - The Art of Being Happy ed by Hari Narayan Somnay | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | August | p277 |
review - Man considered Spiritually & Physically by Peter Davidson | BS | y1884 | v5 | - | August | p278 |
Our Sixth Year | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | August | p279 |
La Linguistique Devoilee - A Reply to Eriopoles | L Levy Bing | y1884 | v5 | - | August | p279 |
[George Redway appointed an agent for the Theosophical Society's publications] | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | August | p280 |
Journal of the Theosophical Society #9 September 1, 1884 - Table of Contents | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p117 |
Unpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (VIII) How to Govern Influences Through Power | Eliphas Levi | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p118 |
(miscellaneous notes to Eliphas Levi article) | anon (HPB acc BdZ) | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p119 |
Ingersoll | The `Index` | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p120 |
Life in Mars (rprnt - Knowledge) | RA Proctor | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p120 |
The Logic of Pain (2) (rprnt Contemporary Review) | J Milner Fothergill | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p122 |
Study of Sanskrit (rprnt - Indian Mirror) | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p122 |
Cremation (rprnt - Truthseeker) | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p123 |
Short Notes on Psychological Studies (I) Psychometry | FTS | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p124 |
Psychic Experiences - Dreams about Mahatmas Realised | C Ramiah | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p125 |
Electro-Magnetic Girl (Maggie Lee Price ... at Frankfort, Kentucky) (rprnt - Courier-Journal) | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p126 |
A Ghost Upon the Bridge | RPJ | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p126 |
The Craze of the Hour (rprnt - Pall Mall Gazette) | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p126 |
Psychic Phenomena - "Coincidences" (rprnt - The Statesman) | TWR | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p126 |
Occult Phenomena at Paris (MA (Oxon) V Jelihovsky, V Solovieff, NA Fadeeff, E de Morsier, WQJ &) | HS Olcott | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p127 |
Official Reports - The Poona Theosophical Society | Navroji D Khandalavala | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p128 |
Poona TS [WQ Judge's visit; summary of lectures delivered] | Navroji D Khandalavala | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p128 |
correspondence - A Lecture at Bombay (by William Quan Judge) | H. | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p128 |
Lecture at Coimbatore (given by F Hartmann) (rprnt - Indian Mirror) | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p128 |
Mr William Quan Judge at Hyderabad (Deccan) | P Iyaloo Naido | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p129 |
The Gooty Theosophical Society [William Q Judge's arrival & visit] | BP Narasimmiah | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p129 |
St George Lane-Fox at Vellore | A. Raju (Moodeliar) | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p129 |
St George Lane-Fox at Arcot | A. Thanakoty Moodaliar | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p130 |
Madras Theosophical Society's Sanskrit Schools | L Venkata Varadarajulu Nayudu (Naidu) | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p130 |
Madras Theosophical Society - Committee for Psychical Research (questionnaire) | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p130 |
London Lodge TS [Transactions printed; account of an open meeting at which Olcott spoke] | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p131 |
The Scottish Theosophical Society [formation; temporary office-holders elected; general establishment] | ED Ewen | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p131 |
Personal Items - various | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p131 |
German (Theosophische Societât Germania) [formation of a TS branch in Germany] | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p131 |
[Mohini Mohun Chatterji - success of European work] | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p131 |
[BJ Padshah - work done for the Theosophical Movement] | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p131 |
The Poona Gayana Samaj, [wished success] | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p131 |
[an advertisement - "The Secret Doctrine" by HP Blavatsky] | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p132 |
[seven advertisements] | various | y1884 | v5 | - | Sept+ | p132 |
Qualifications for Chelaship | Mohini M Chatterji | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p281 |
The Dangers of Black Magic | HS Olcott | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p283 |
Citations from the Teachings of Gautama Buddha (from the Dhammapada) | Gautama Buddha | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p284 |
Ancient Occultism in Caledonia | P Davidson | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p285 |
Notes by the way. The "Kiddle Incident" as explained by Mahatma Koot Hoomi | MA (Oxon) | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p287 |
Reminiscences of the Count de St Germain (rprnt Souvenirs de Marie Antoinette) | Madame la Comtesse d'Adhemar | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p288 |
The Buddhist Heaven (rprnt Statesman) | anon | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p288 |
Practical Instructions for Students of Occultism (V) | AB | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p291 |
Theosophy in Europe | various | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p293 |
A Posthumous Visitor (extract from the Nineteenth Century) | Edmund Hornby | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p293 |
[Ltte La Tribune de Geneva (28 April 1884) re the Theosophical Society] | Emilie de Morsier | y1884 | v5 | - | September | p294 |