The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Theosophist

Buddhism in Relation to ChristianityA "Christian" Buddhisty1884v5-May+p70
Journal of the Theosophical Society #5 May 1 1884anony1884v5-May+p70
Unpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (IV) The Object of InitiationEliphas Leviy1884v5-May+p71
Inauguration of New Branch Societies at Chittore & Vellore - an addressF Hartmanny1884v5-May+p72
Lecture on Theosophy (rprnt, Madras Mail)St George Lane-Foxy1884v5-May+p74
How I Became a TheosophistGyanendra Nath Chakravartiy1884v5-May+p75
Official Reports - address (the Society of Occultists of France) [expression of admiration for ... the TS]anony1884v5-May+p76
Our New Branches [Chittoor, Periya-Kalam, Dindigul, Vellore]anony1884v5-May+p76
Atma Bodh TS (Moradabad) [first anniversary celebrated]anony1884v5-May+p77
Notice [The connection of A. Theyaga Rajier with the Theosophical Society has ceased]Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-May+p77
The Satya Marga TS (Lucknow) [report of the branch's workings during its first year]Jwala Prasad Sankhadharay1884v5-May+p77
errata - Feb+ 1884 Journal of the TS - various errors - p36-37anony1884v5-May+p77
Fyzabad TS [new president elected]anony1884v5-May+p78
Chittor, Dindigul, Midnapore, Periya-Kulam, & Vellore TS [new officers]anony1884v5-May+p78
Circular - (Initiation into the Theosophical Society)Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-May+p78
Special Orders of 1884 [Founders' stay in Europe extended; Provincial Council delayed]Mohini M Chatterjiy1884v5-May+p79
Personal Items (HPB & HSO arrive in Marseilles)anony1884v5-May+p79
obituary - Pandit Rawat Devi Prasad [vice-president of Satya Marga TS (Lucknow, Oudh)]Jwala Prasad Sankhadharay1884v5-May+p79
obituary - Rawat Devi PrasadJwala Prasad Sankhadharay1884v5-May+p79
obituary - Yadavalli LakshminarayanaJ Purnaya Pantulu (? J Purnayya)y1884v5-May+p79
review - The Arya Samaj & the New Dispensation, anonBhargava Sarmay1884v5-May+p79
[an advertisement for "The Secret Doctrine" by HP Blavatsky]anony1884v5-May+p80
[five advertisements]variousy1884v5-May+p80
PostscriptDamodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Mayp179
The Metaphysical basis of "Esoteric Buddhism"Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Mayp179
"Infinite Personality"BSy1884v5-Mayp179
The Cosmogony of the Old TestamentAn American Buddhisty1884v5-Mayp182
"Magnetic Quackery"An American Buddhisty1884v5-Mayp184
Thoughts on Mind ReadingLeopold Salzery1884v5-Mayp185
The Photographic Picture of a Murderer in the Eye of the Victim (rprnt Psychische Studien)anony1884v5-Mayp185
The Soul - Essay (III)Eliphas Leviy1884v5-Mayp186
Prince Bismarck's Mysterious Visitoranon (HPB)y1884v5-Mayp186
"Some Uncommon Thoughts on Immortality"BSy1884v5-Mayp187
Modern Spiritualism & The Japanese Magic Mirror (rprnt Psychische Studien)anony1884v5-Mayp188
A Spirit Visitthe Metropolitan Platon (HPB)y1884v5-Mayp189
note [to "A Spirit Visit ..."]Ed (HPB)y1884v5-Mayp189
Practical Instructions for Students of Occultism (I)An American Buddhisty1884v5-Mayp189
After Death (rprnt Nevoye Vremya)anony1884v5-Mayp191
Magicon, or the Secret System of a Society of Unknown Philosophers (1)An American Buddhisty1884v5-Mayp193
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1884v5-Mayp194
Scraps of Ancient History of the Island of Java (2)(TF)y1884v5-Mayp195
Cheap & Good Food (rprnt Knowledge)TR Allinsony1884v5-Mayp197
An Arabian Storyanony1884v5-Mayp197
A New Discovery - Liquid Oxygen & Nitrogen (rprnt Lancet)anony1884v5-Mayp198
Are Theosophists Atheists? (a lecture by St George Lane-Fox)BSy1884v5-Mayp198
Medical Magnetism & the Healer Magnetic (5)(Seeta Nath Ghose)y1884v5-Mayp199
"Are Theosophists Atheists?"Another theosophist (?KH)y1884v5-Mayp199
Ltte - A Reply to "a Native Thinker on Theosophy"LSy1884v5-Mayp201
reply to NG FTSABy1884v5-Mayp203
Showing 2801 to 2850 of 26591 entries