The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Theosophist

The CaballahJD Bucky1883v5-Novemberp44
Luminosity of the Magnetic FieldWilliam F Barrett (1844-1925)y1883v5-Novemberp45
The St James Gazette & "Esoteric Buddhism"anon (HPB)y1883v5-Novemberp46
Chronology of the current Bengali EphemerisDharnidhar Sarma Kauthumhiy1883v5-Novemberp48
Medical Magnetism & the Healer Magnetic (2)Seeta Nath Ghosey1883v5-Novemberp49
An Avatar of Christ - (Keshub Chunder Sen)anony1883v5-Novemberp51
The Rev Hastie's Karma & the Progress of Poesy in Bengalanon (HPB)y1883v5-Novemberp51
Salvationists - Jesuits (rprnt Indian Churchman)anony1883v5-Novemberp51
A Christian Minister on TheosophyCHA Dall & Ed.y1883v5-Novemberp52
Answers to Correspondentsvariousy1883v5-Novemberp53
Ltte - Solar Spots Again: A Blue Rayless Sun & Aryan WisdomN Chidambaram Iyery1883v5-Novemberp53
The Brahmin Caste, Pariah & PindamA. Sankariahy1883v5-Novemberp54
The Saracens of Theosophy & the Madras Crusadersanon (HPB)y1883v5-Dec+p23
Important Notice - To our Subscribers & Fellowsanon (HPB)y1883v5-Dec+p23
An Anglo-Indian theosophist on the Bishop of MadrasHRM (? General Henry Rhodes Morgan)y1883v5-Dec+p26
A Hindu Hymn to a MahatmaThakur Hurisingji Rupsinghjiy1883v5-Dec+p27
8th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society (Official Circular)Damodar K Mavalankary1883v5-Dec+p28
correspondence - Adepts & Mediums (to the Editor of Light) [The "Kiddle Incident"]HS Olcotty1883v5-Dec+p28
The Central Association of Spiritualists (letter to WT Brown)Thomas Blaytony1883v5-Dec+p29
Letter to Thomas BlytonWT Browny1883v5-Dec+p29
Mr WH Harrison's Delusions (The Kiddle Incident)HR Morgany1883v5-Dec+p29
Testimony to PhenomenaHR Morgany1883v5-Dec+p31
Letter (ten questions on adepts, ordinary men, Yogis)Dinanath Pandurang Dhummey1883v5-Dec+p31
(reply to ten questions on adepts, ordinary men, Yogis)DKM (Chela)y1883v5-Dec+p32
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1883v5-Dec+p32
Satya Marga Theosophical Society (Lucknow) & Swami Dayanand [regret at his death]Jwalaprasad Sankhadharay1883v5-Dec+p32
A Hindu's Appeal to the Hindu Members of the Theosophical Societyanony1883v5-Dec+p33
The P-F's tour, Colonel Olcott at JubbulporeNB Nakhrey1883v5-Dec+p33
A Warning to TheosophistsNavroji Dorabji Khandalwalay1883v5-Dec+p33
An Address to HS Olcott [on Behalf of the Hindu Students of the Govt. High School, Jubbulpore]Purushottam Laly1883v5-Dec+p34
Colonel Olcott at AllahabadBrajendra Nath Banerjiy1883v5-Dec+p34
Address to Colonel Olcottstudents of Allahabad High Schooly1883v5-Dec+p35
The President-Founder at GhazipurJagadishwar Chatterjeey1883v5-Dec+p35
Address to Colonel Olcott by the Theosophists of GhazipurShankar Dyal Panday & 19 othersy1883v5-Dec+p35
The President-Founder at CawnporeMahendranath Ganguliy1883v5-Dec+p35
Colonel Olcott at LucknowJwala Prasad Sankhadhary1883v5-Dec+p36
[Colonel Olcott on the way to Cawnpore passed through Allahabad] (rprnt Sahas of Allahabad)anony1883v5-Dec+p36
Our New Branchesvariousy1883v5-Dec+p37
Official Reportsvariousy1883v5-Dec+p37
The Fyzabad Theosophical Society [office-bearers elected for 1884]Bipin Bihari Banerjiy1883v5-Dec+p37
Report of the Durbhanga Theosophical Society, 1883Kalipada Bandyopadhyayy1883v5-Dec+p37
The Fyzabad TS [formation]anony1883v5-Dec+p37
The Ghazipur TS [formed 1st Nov 1883 by Colonel Olcott]anony1883v5-Dec+p37
The Gyanvardhani TS (Rae-Bareli) [formation]anony1883v5-Dec+p37
The Gyanvardhani TS (Rai-Bareli) [formed; officers elected]Sarada Prasada Mukerjiy1883v5-Dec+p37
The Nellore TS [opening of a pure Sanskrit school with seven pupils]V Sashiayery1883v5-Dec+p37
The Sarw Hitkari TS (Gorakhpur, NWP) [new president elected]anony1883v5-Dec+p37
[Comments on honours bestowed on Olcott](up-country correspondent)y1883v5-Dec+p37
[Colonel HS Olcott ... is now in our midst.](`Indian Mirror's` Correspondent)y1883v5-Dec+p37
The Maya Veram Theosophical Society - Rules & Bye-LawsAG Hari Raoy1883v5-Dec+p38
Showing 2401 to 2450 of 26591 entries