The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Theosophist

[Certified Statements as to Cures Effected by Colonel Olcott]Kodituwakku Kankanange Cornelis Appuy1883v4-Jan+p7
Behar TS (Bankipore) [formation; officer-bearers]FTSy1883v4-Jan+p7
Wonderful Mesmeric Cures effected by the P-F of the Theosophical Society in CeylonKK Cornelisy1883v4-Jan+p7
Letter(Bombay Branch Members)y1883v4-Jan+p8
An Evening Party in Honor of Madame Blavatsky & Colonel Olcottanony1883v4-Jan+p8
Manager's Notice [- all Theosophical correspondence to be sent to Adyar, Madras]anony1883v4-Jan+p8
Mind, Thought & Cerebration (2)Alexander Wildery1883v4-Januaryp79
Writing for the Press (advice from the Boston transcript)anony1883v4-Januaryp79
Special Notice to CorrespondentsEditory1883v4-Januaryp79
The Theosophist, Bombay, January, 1883Editory1883v4-Januaryp79
Crime In Bengal (& Britain Compared) (rprnt Scientific American)anony1883v4-Januaryp82
A Mysterious Race (Yanadhis, in Nellore District)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp82
The Buddhist Catechism (of HS Olcott, reviewed)YZy1883v4-Januaryp83
Gleanings from Eliphas Levi (from Ritual de la Haute Magic) (Chapter XIX: The Magisterium of the Sun)Eliphas Leviy1883v4-Januaryp84
footnotes to "Gleanings from Eliphas Levi"(HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp84
Comment on "Curious Mediumistic Phenomena"(HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp85
Letter - Curious Mediumistic PhenomenaJD Bucky1883v4-Januaryp85
A Spectral Warninganon (HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp85
Editor's Note [to "Curious Mediumistic Phenomena"]Editory1883v4-Januaryp86
Comment on "The Perfect Way"(HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp87
The Perfect Wayits Authors (A. Kingsford & E Maitland)y1883v4-Januaryp87
Zoroastrian MahatmasA Parsi (+ a note by Editor)y1883v4-Januaryp88
"HX" chidedBritish Theosophical Society membery1883v4-Januaryp88
Full stomach & Mental LabourKrishna Dhan Mukerjiy1883v4-Januaryp88
The Rationale of FastsH Hardy (+ a note by HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp88
[On Spirit & Matter] comment on a letteranon (HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp89
KarmaA. Govinda Charluy1883v4-Januaryp89
Schopenhauer & TheosophyLA Sandersy1883v4-Januaryp90
Occult Acoustics"A" FTS (+ a note by HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp90
footnote to "Indian Agricultural Reform"(HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp91
The Vaccination question in Switzerland & in the English ParliamentWilliam Tebby1883v4-Januaryp91
Indian Agricultural ReformJJ Meyricky1883v4-Januaryp91
Introductory Note to "Spiritualistic Black Magic"(HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp92
Spiritualistic Black Magic [preface by Ed. Theosophist]A Caledonian Theosophisty1883v4-Januaryp92
footnote to "Is Suicide a Crime?"(HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp93
Answer [to "Is Suicide a Crime?" (2)]Brojendra Nath Banerjeey1883v4-Januaryp93
Is Suicide a Crime? (2)An Inquirery1883v4-Januaryp93
Horoscopes & AstrologyKinoo Roy (+ a note by HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp94
The Tantras & their teachingsSasi Bhushan Kumary1883v4-Januaryp95
Chelas & KnowersTsong-Ka Un-Ghieny1883v4-Januaryp95
IdolatryH Hardyy1883v4-Januaryp96
East India Materia Medica (9)Pandurang Gopaly1883v4-Januaryp96
Atoms, Molecules & Ether Waves (1) (rprnt Longsman's Magazine)John Tyndally1883v4-Januaryp97
footnote to "Atoms, Molecules, & Ether Waves"(HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp97
How to Know the Real SelfBramhachari Baway1883v4-Januaryp97
Can the "Double" murder?HP Blavatskyy1883v4-Januaryp99
The Sopara (Buddhist) Relics in Ceylonanon correspondenty1883v4-Januaryp101
The Welcome to Madrasanony1883v4-Feb+p1
The Bolarum Theosophical Society of the Psycho-Scientific Brotherhood Rules & Bye-LawsV Balakistnahy1883v4-Feb+p2
The Cawnpore Chohan Theosophical Society [rules]Mohendra Nath Ganguliy1883v4-Feb+p2
Showing 1651 to 1700 of 26591 entries