A Theological Snob | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p183 |
review - The Anti-Christian, a monthly journal ed by Kaliprasanna Kavyabisharad | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p183 |
Another "Orthodox" Prosecution! (1) | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p184 |
Extract from the Sentence Protocol of St Thomas Jurisdiction | H Hanschell | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p185 |
Letter [to the St Thomas Times - his recent persecution] | Dr Charles E Taylor | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p185 |
Malabari's Success [Behramji M Malabari translated Max Müller's Hibbert Lectures] | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p186 |
Theosophy in America | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p186 |
(Editorial of St Thomas Times) | Ed | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p186 |
"A Faithful Witness will not lie" | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p187 |
Mr William Eglinton's Departure from India | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p188 |
Miscellaneous Notes | (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p189 |
Paragraph Flashes - An Indiarubber Man (rprnt Globe) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p189 |
A Phillogical Problem - How many ways are there to spell "tailor"? | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p190 |
The Figures in the Census of Public House Attendance | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p190 |
A Novel Medical Instrument (rprnt Philadelphia Public Ledger) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p190 |
[The Likeness of Christ, a book by Thomas Heaphy] | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | April | p190 |
The President-Founder on his Annual Tour | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p1 |
The Proposed Native Reception of the Theosophists at Madras | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p3 |
Theosophism at Madras (rprnt Madras Times) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p3 |
The Bengal Theosophical Society | Balai Chand Mullik | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p3 |
The Bengal Theosophical Society Rules & Bye-Laws | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p4 |
The Rohilcund Theosophical Society - Rules & Bye-Laws | Cheda Lal | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p4 |
Pert Questions & Plain Answers | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p5 |
Adhi-Bhoutic Bhratru TS (Berhampore, Bengal) [donation to library fund from Her Highness Rani Annakali Devi] | Nobin K Banerjea | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p5 |
To the Editor (re an article in which "Senex" speaks of "Theosophy" to be a new religion) | * * * | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p5 |
Answer to * * *'s misconceptions | Damodar K Mavalankar | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p6 |
Notice - The Opponents of Dayanand Saraswati Swami | HS Olcott | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p7 |
The "Arya" on the Theosophists (rprnt Arya) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p7 |
acknowledge, with thanks, the following subscriptions, for volume III, all paid in advance. | The Proprietors of the `Theosophist` | y1882 | v3 | - | May+ | p8 |
A "Light" shining in Darkness | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p191 |
The Theosophist, Bombay, May, 1882 | Editor | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p191 |
footnote to "The Philosophy of Spirit" | (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p192 |
review - The Philosophy of Spirit by William Oxley (1) | T Subba Row | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p192 |
The Recluses of the Himalayas | G_____ P_____ C_____ | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p196 |
Bishop Meurin & the Bombay Catholic Debating Society (compiled by Pandurang Hurrichund Bhojane) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p196 |
Mediums & Yogees - What is the Difference Between the Two? | * * * | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p197 |
footnotes to "Mediums & Yogis" | (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p197 |
"The Fakir's Curse" (rprnt) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p198 |
More Anecdotes of Hassan Khan Djinni (I) | Abdul Rahman Khan | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p199 |
[a quote from the "The Oriental Moralist"] | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p199 |
Comment on "More Anecdotes of Hassan Khan Jinni" | (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p199 |
More Anecdotes (II) | Jwala Prasada Sankhadhar | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p199 |
The Great Sadhus of India | Gopalrao Hurry Deshmook (Deshmukh) | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p200 |
Theosophy during the First Phase of Modern Philosophy | Pestanji Dorabji Khandalevala | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p202 |
footnote to "Theosophy During the First Phase of Modern Philosophy" | (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p202 |
The Date of the Great War between the Pandavas & the Kauravas | Janardan B Modak | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p203 |
(reply to "Prayer") | O. | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p205 |
Prayer | H. | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p205 |
Ri-Thlen (1) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p206 |
The Whirligig of time; Recent discoveries vindicating Marco Polo | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p207 |