filler - "The value to human beings" | Lillian Burke (K) | y1978 | v27 | i8 | May | p288 |
Think of the Spring | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p189 |
filler - | Oliver Wendell Holmes (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p192 |
Who Speaks for the Human Family? | Robert Muller (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p193 |
The Dream and You (vf) | Gene Bone (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p200 |
Man: Destiny Unlimited | Blair A. Moffett (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p201 |
review - Reflexive Universe: The Evolution of Consciousness by Arthur M Young | anon (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p201 |
filler - Meditations, x, 5 | Marcus Aurelius (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p206 |
Seasons of the Soul | George Emerson Haynes (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p207 |
filler - | Epictetus (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p208 |
Krishna - Logos and Higher Self | Kirby Van Mater (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p209 |
review - Notes on the Bhagavad Gita by T Subba Row | anon (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p210 |
Selections from the Uttara-Gita | Rai BK Laheri (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p214 |
A Lost Art | Sarah B Van Mater (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p219 |
filler - Musings | Hugh H Harrison (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p320y+ |
filler - "lure of the distant and the difficult ..." | John Burroughs (K) | y1978 | v27 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p320z+ |
The Art of Being Human | B Hagelin (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p321 |
The hands of a Master | James T Belderis (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p323 |
The Dance of Siva | Eloise Hart (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p324 |
Thoughts on "The Lord's Prayer" | Wilfried Marfels (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p329 |
filler - "Truth is not intricate and remote ..." | Katherine Tingley (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p330 |
The Synthesis of Occult Science | William Q Judge (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p331 |
Ltte - | Sarah B Van Mater (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p336 |
Ltte - | Nel Van Weijdom Claterbos (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p337 |
Ltte - | Rutger Bergstrom (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p338 |
Ltte - | EA Holmes (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p339 |
The Jehovah of Modern Science | Stanton A. Coblentz (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p340 |
filler - | Lo Guest (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p343 |
Adam, Abid, and the Silent Serenade | Ahmed Fazelbhoy (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p344 |
filler - "We are confronted with insurmountable ..." | Walt Kelly (K) | y1978 | v27 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p352z+ |
The Eternal Purpose | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p1 |
filler - | Thomas Carlyle (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p4 |
Our Philosophy, Theology, and Religion | Peter H Samsom (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p5 |
The Ever-Living (vf) | Stanton A. Coblentz (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p9 |
In Search of Ourselves | Ida Postma (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p10 |
Put Your Heart Into It | Robert Treat (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p17 |
filler - | Rutger Bergstrom (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p19 |
What is Occultism? | T Subba Row (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p20 |
Space, Motion, Time, and Substance | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p23 |
Expansion of Consciousness | WA Laughery (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p29 |
filler - "greatest object in the universe ..." | Oliver Goldsmith (K) | y1978 | v28 | i1 | October | p32z+ |
Companion of Stars - special issue - Spiritual Rebirth, "Except a man be born again ..." | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p33 |
The Quest: From Simple "Fool" to Grail Servant | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p37 |
Gods, Men, and Mind | Kirby Van Mater (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p47 |
Mystic Death, Marriage, and Rebirth | Ida Postma (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p49 |
The Initiatory Cycle | G de Purucker (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p57 |
filler - | Eloise Hart (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p61 |
A Great Light, A force for Good | WTS Thackara (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p62 |
Awakenment and Phenomena | Sarah B Van Mater (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p72 |
filler - | Lillian Burke (K) | y1978 | v28 | i2 | November | p78 |