filler - "celestial laws are here underfoot ..." | John Burroughs (K) | y1974 | v24 | i3 | December | p91 |
Song of Myself (vf) | Walt Whitman (K) | y1974 | v24 | i3 | December | p92 |
Wonders All Around | AG Hockinson (K) | y1974 | v24 | i3 | December | p92 |
filler - "divinity must have stirred within them ..." | HD Thoreau (K) | y1974 | v24 | i3 | December | p96 |
filler - "Christmas is the year's moment of truth ..." | Madeline Clark (K) | y1974 | v24 | i3 | December | p96z+ |
The Divine Purpose | John L Toomey (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p97 |
filler - | William R Inge (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p99 |
Emerging World Picture | Rolf Edberg (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p100 |
Newgrange, Tomb or Initiation Chamber? | Michael Cosser (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p107 |
filler - | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p110 |
Voltaire ... Cynic, Humanitarian, Esotericist? | Ida Postma (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p111 |
One Foot in the Fifth World | Blair A. Moffett (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p119 |
The Dignity of Followership | WTS Thackara (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p125 |
filler - | Amos Bronson Alcott (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p128 |
filler - "living wedge is cleaving the darkness ..." | Katherine Tingley (K) | y1975 | v24 | i4 | January | p128z+ |
Birds of Passage | Gertrude W van Pelt (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p129 |
The Stoic Way | Peter H Samsom (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p131 |
The Golden Egg of the Universe | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p137 |
filler - "My religious feeling is a humble amazement ..." | Albert Einstein (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p141 |
"Things as They Are" | John Simons (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p142 |
Giants? Nonsense, and Yet ... | Eloise Hart (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p146 |
Jacob Boehme and Ways of Life | Dorothy Adams (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p153 |
Is Philosophy Practical? | Sarah B Van Mater (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p155 |
A Greater Science | B Hagelin (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p158 |
filler - "strength of a man's virtue must not be ..." | Blaise Pascal (K) | y1975 | v24 | i5 | February | p160z+ |
Hope of Immortality | Ingrid Van Mater (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p161 |
filler - | AU Ogubunka (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p162 |
Giordano Bruno and the Infinite Universe | Warren Hollister (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p163 |
filler - | Alysann Bendroth (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p169 |
The Reign of the Robot | Stanton A. Coblentz (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p170 |
filler - | Mark Twain (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p172 |
Man Is One Name | William R Tolbert, Jr (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p173 |
Music and the Human Soul | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p176 |
Opener of the Ways - review - Fountain-Source of Occultism by G de Purucker | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p182 |
filler - I Wonder | Hugh H Harrison (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p187 |
The Storyteller from Samos | Donna L Preble (K) | y1975 | v24 | i6 | March | p188 |
So Long to Lerne | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p193 |
filler - | Alan E Donant (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p199 |
To Make Men Divine | Blair A. Moffett (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p200 |
New Age Awareness - A Timely Warning | Elmer Green (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p206 |
filler - | Chuang Tzu (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p210 |
Ancient and Modern Spiritualism Contrasted | G de Purucker (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p211 |
filler - "There comes a leap in consciousness ..." | Albert Einstein (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p215 |
Science of Change - review - Biological Transmutations by Louis C Kervran | W Dougherty (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p216 |
The True Face of Occultism | Kirby Van Mater (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p221 |
filler - | Goethe (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p224 |
Victory in Defeat (vf) | Edwin Markham (K) | y1975 | v24 | i7 | April | p224z+ |
The Rain that Follows the Sacrifice | Ida Postma (K) | y1975 | v24 | i8 | May | p225 |
filler - | Walt Whitman (K) | y1975 | v24 | i8 | May | p229 |
The Way of the Mystic | Peter H Samsom (K) | y1975 | v24 | i8 | May | p230 |