The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


filler - "Knowing demands the organ fitted to the object"Plotinus (L)y1968v17i10Julyp309
Genii in a Pinch of MatterHarry Opdenberg (L)y1968v17i10Julyp310
More Than One WayEloise Hart (L)y1968v17i10Julyp312
Personal OrbitEarle C Hostler (L)y1968v17i10Julyp315
filler - "The difficult things of this world"Lao-tsu (L)y1968v17i10Julyp316
Worth the CandleMadeline Clark (L)y1968v17i10Julyp317
filler - "What then is the universe for"William Q Judge (L)y1968v17i10Julyp320
filler - The least admixture of self-interest in a man's motiveSolon Lauer (L)y1968v17i10Julyp320z+
The Ringing Grooves of ChangeJean B Van Mater (L)y1968v17i11Augustp321
filler - "One will never discover reality"Apollinaire (L)y1968v17i11Augustp325
The Glorious QuestMary & Ralph Tillman (L)y1968v17i11Augustp326
Thou Shalt Not Covet ...Paul North (L)y1968v17i11Augustp331
filler - "To be rich in admiration and free from envy"Robert Louis Stevenson (L)y1968v17i11Augustp333
Religion Without God - and God Without ReligionPeter H Samsom (L)y1968v17i11Augustp334
Gems in LifeFSM Howden (L)y1968v17i11Augustp340
Passage to India (vf)Walt Whitman (L)y1968v17i11Augustp341
Reflections of an East-Goer - Flame Does Not FlickerIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1968v17i11Augustp342
filler - "We may picture the world of reality as a deep-flowing"Sir James Jeans (L)y1968v17i11Augustp348
Occultism True and FalseElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1968v17i11Augustp349
filler - Civilization does not derive its permanent valuesJames A. Long (L)y1968v17i11Augustp352z+
filler - "It is a sad thing for a man to meet with a mishap"Hesiod (L)y1968v17i11Augustp352
Horizon UnlimitedKenneth Morris (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp353
filler - "I have often during the past year or so"Lo Guest (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp357
An Old Wives' Tale ReconsideredHarry Opdenberg (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp358
filler - "No ray of sunlight is ever lost, but the green"Albert Schweitzer (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp361
A New EthicSune Stigsjoo (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp362
filler - "Repose, tranquility, stillness, inaction"Chuang Tzu (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp368
The Glorious QuestMary & Ralph Tillman (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp369
Another King ...Malcolm Muggeridge (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp375
"Like the new moon they life appears" (vf)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp381
Down a Peg - Up a PegAlex E Urquhart (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp382
filler - The Soul's True NatureSolon Lauer (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp384
filler - Truth crushed to the earth will ever riseJames A. Long (L)y1968v17i12Septemberp384z+
Continuity or GoodJames A. Long (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp1
Divine InvolvementGeorge Emerson Haynes (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp5
Afternoon VisitTheo Chegwidden (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp7
filler - "Subtle ideas are best expressed simply."Sufi Aphorism (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp8
Walt Whitman's Buried MasterpieceMalcolm Cowley (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp9
The Glorious QuestMary & Ralph Tillman (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp21
filler - "I am the race in epitome."Solon Lauer (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp26
A Time of Huge and Splendid HopeGeorge Trevelyan (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp27
filler - If man is moderate and contentedPlato (L)y1968v18i1Octoberp32z+
Clearer Still the Eye of SpiritIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1968v18i2Novemberp33
filler - "He who would serve his fellow man"Ernest Clark (L)y1968v18i2Novemberp38
Who Stands Behind You?Walter Donald Kring (L)y1968v18i2Novemberp39
filler - "living nature is not a mechanism but a poem"Thomas Henry Huxley (L)y1968v18i2Novemberp44
Beauty and Symmetry in NatureJulius Sumner Miller (L)y1968v18i2Novemberp45
filler - "Every landscape is ... a state of the soul"Henri Frederick Amiel (L)y1968v18i2Novemberp47
Moment in EternityNadine Moore Goldsworthy (L)y1968v18i2Novemberp48
The Glorious QuestMary & Ralph Tillman (L)y1968v18i2Novemberp51
Showing 2851 to 2900 of 6911 entries