The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


filler - "natural honesty and benevolence has more effect"David Hume (L)y1958v7i7Aprilp224
A New Age in Swaddling ClothesJames A. Long (L)y1958v7i8Mayp225
A Sunset in Your HandDame Laura Knight (L)y1958v7i8Mayp229
The Year's at the SpringIngrid Van Mater (L)y1958v7i8Mayp231
filler - "How large is the sun"Richard Winkelman (L)y1958v7i8Mayp232
Intelligence in EvolutionAlfred Russel Wallace (L)y1958v7i8Mayp233
Pathway of GrowthReginald W Machell (L)y1958v7i8Mayp237
filler - "We ask for enlightenment and receive from life"John Simons (L)y1958v7i8Mayp239
Should Science Return to the Study of Antiquity?TJ Haarhorf (L)y1958v7i8Mayp240
Is There Life After Death?Ralph E Flanders (L)y1958v7i8Mayp248
Is There Life After Death?Clifton Meek (L)y1958v7i8Mayp249
filler - "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice"William Jennings Bryan (L)y1958v7i8Mayp251
Horizon of PerfectionWilly Ph Felthuis (L)y1958v7i8Mayp252
filler - "The height charms us, the steps to it do not."Goethe (L)y1958v7i8Mayp253
Toward the Common GoodG de Purucker (L)y1958v7i8Mayp254
filler - "The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous"Ralph Waldo Emerson (L)y1958v7i8Mayp256
filler - There is a greatness, an aristocracy in the soul of manLucius Annaeus Seneca (L)y1958v7i8Mayp256z+
filler - "The cosmic life surrounds us"Astrid Berg (L)y1958v7i8Mayp256y+
Our Stake in the FutureL Merkel (L)y1958v7i9Junep257
Pain - Its Own RewardLyman Roberts (L)y1958v7i9Junep258
Under the BurdocksKurt Reineman (L)y1958v7i9Junep260
Dilemma in EducationJohn P Van Mater (L)y1958v7i9Junep261
filler - "We know very little of the contents of our minds until some jar"Oliver Wendell Holmes (L)y1958v7i9Junep267
Competition is a SinHector Bolitho (L)y1958v7i9Junep268
The WindowMadeline Clark (L)y1958v7i9Junep270
Aspirations and Their Reactionsvarious - round tablesy1958v7i9Junep272
Origins of FictionKenneth Morris (L)y1958v7i9Junep282
filler - "Whom mediocrity attracts, taste has abandoned."JK Lavater (L)y1958v7i9Junep285
Light in ShadowCurtis Beach (L)y1958v7i9Junep286
filler - "Human life! Its duration is momentary"Marcus Aurelius (L)y1958v7i9Junep288
From within or from behind, a light shines through usRalph Waldo Emerson (L)y1958v7i9Junep288z+
Fair is the PrizeTJ Haarhorf (L)y1958v7i10Julyp289
filler - "Duty is too often linked in our minds with a sense of the hard"Lydia Ross MD (L)y1958v7i10Julyp295
Early Chinese PaintingWilliam E Gates (L)y1958v7i10Julyp296
On ProvidencePlotinus (L)y1958v7i10Julyp302
A Live WireVictor Abdrade (L)y1958v7i10Julyp307
Bridge to LifeGrace F Knoche (L)y1958v7i10Julyp309
Shadows on the WallReginald W Machell (L)y1958v7i10Julyp310
filler - "The wise man looks into space"Lao-tsu (L)y1958v7i10Julyp312
Man: Part Atom, Part GalaxyJames A. Long (L)y1958v7i10Julyp313
filler - A great mind is formed by a few great ideas, not ... detailsWilliam E Channing (L)y1958v7i10Julyp320z+
filler - "What a piece of work is man!"William Shakespeare (L)y1958v7i10Julyp320
The Living UniverseOluf Tyberg (L)y1958v7i11Augustp321
filler - "We seek God in the unchangeable"Giordano Bruno (L)y1958v7i11Augustp325
Man's Ultimate ConcernElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1958v7i11Augustp326
Diogenes Didn't Need a LampDavid Loth (L)y1958v7i11Augustp329
Environment of IdeasJohn P Van Mater (L)y1958v7i11Augustp331
Where There Is Vision: Star of KnowledgeRobert E Jenkins (L)y1958v7i11Augustp338
The Star of the FutureRoger Adams (L)y1958v7i11Augustp338
The Day After TomorrowMary Anderson (L)y1958v7i11Augustp340
Showing 1201 to 1250 of 6911 entries