The Hidden Splendor | H Percy Leonard (L) | y1957 | v6 | i6 | March | p184 |
From One Friend to Another | EA Holmes (L) | y1957 | v6 | i6 | March | p185 |
filler - "What peace it brings into one's heart" | G de Purucker (L) | y1957 | v6 | i6 | March | p187 |
Advantages and Disadvantages | William Q Judge (L) | y1957 | v6 | i6 | March | p188 |
For We Know In Part | Herko Groot (L) | y1957 | v6 | i6 | March | p189 |
Ltte - from Sweden | Peter Flach (L) | y1957 | v6 | i6 | March | p192z+ |
filler - "Everything in nature tells a different story to all eyes" | Robert G Ingersoll (L) | y1957 | v6 | i6 | March | p192 |
The Greater Easter | James A. Long (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p193 |
filler - "Be assured that if thou failest, none other - not nature" | Stanton Coit (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p196 |
An Honest Doubter | Elizabeth Deutsch (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p197 |
Science and Religion | Clifton Meek (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p199 |
Lost Lands (J.P.V.M., E.T.) | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p202 |
Lost Lands | John P Van Mater (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p202 |
"To Love Mercy - To Do Justly" | Jane Addams (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p209 |
The Need of Reappraisal | Nellie M Davis (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p210 |
filler - "Meeting with friends from other lands" | Erik O Hjertberg (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p212 |
From One Friend to Another | EA Holmes (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p213 |
filler - "It is only our unrest and the unrest of the age" | William Q Judge (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p217 |
From the Village Blacksmith | Clifton Meek (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p218 |
filler - "No one can write his real religious life with a pen" | WT Grenfell (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p221 |
The Changeless Change | Reginald W Machell (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p222 |
filler - "If we could step forth into the silence of Nature" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p224 |
filler - It seems that when the Gods were young, Man had the audacity | from An Oriental Tale (L) | y1957 | v6 | i7 | April | p224z+ |
The Paradox of Faith | John P Van Mater (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p225 |
filler - "... in the Libyan fables, it is told that once an eagle" | Aeschylus (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p229 |
Queen of French Oceana | MH Simons (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p230 |
Working Our Way Through College | Clifton Meek (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p233 |
An Arresting Science-Philosophy | George J Lindemans (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p236 |
filler - "tree exists to produce its fruit; the soul of man" | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p239 |
Religion end Reality | Curtis Beach (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p240 |
filler - "Can we doubt that the climate ... is regulated by the ... sun" | Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p244 |
"A Bright spring day" (vf) | Ingrid Van Mater (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p245 |
A Doctor's Concern | Charles W Mayo (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p246 |
Jewel Without Price | Hazel S Minot (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p248 |
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | Alphonse Bihr (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p251 |
filler - "Sublimity flashing forth at the right moment scatters" | Longinus (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p254 |
Fire of Divinity | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p255 |
filler - "What are noble deeds but noble truths realized?" | Samuel T Coleridge (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p256 |
filler - The average man is more decent than what is supposed to be | G de Purucker (L) | y1957 | v6 | i8 | May | p256z+ |
Odyssey | John P Van Mater (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p257 |
filler - "Yesterday and Tomorrow both are. Pierce the Time-element" | Thomas Carlyle (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p263 |
A Shameless Old Woman | James A. Michener (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p264 |
The Light In The Lantern | M Sybil Tustin (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p266 |
Karma, Inner and Outer (2) | various - round tables | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p268 |
Nature's Silence | Reginald W Machell (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p277 |
The Art Spirit | Herbert Coryn (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p278 |
filler - "To judge of things high and mighty" | Montaigne (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p279 |
The Arena Within Man | Florence Wickenburg (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p280 |
filler - "Opportunities do not come with their values stamped upon them." | Maltbie Babcock (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p284 |
Terrace of Enlightenment | Nellie M Davis (L) | y1957 | v6 | i9 | June | p285 |