The Theosophist | The Theosophist, Madras, June, 1883 | Editor | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p209 |
The Theosophist | a note (to "Will - Schopenhauer & Adwaitism") | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p210 |
The Theosophist | footnotes to "Esoteric Spiritualism, The Law of Influx & Efflux" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p210 |
The Theosophist | Esoteric Spiritualism, The Law of "Influx" & "Efflux" & W Oxley's Philosophy of Spirit | William Yeates | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p210 |
The Theosophist | A Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words (The Essentials of Religion by Raj Narain Bose) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p213 |
The Theosophist | Mahabharata in English "Datavya Bharat Karyalaya" | Pratab Chandra Roy | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p213 |
The Theosophist | Ormazd & Ahriman & the Allegorical Writings of the Ancients | NMP | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p217 |
The Theosophist | Suggestive Comparisons (statistics of Infidel & Christian Morality) | Ed. Theos | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p217 |
The Theosophist | Editor's Note (to "Should men cut their Hair?") | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p218 |
The Theosophist | Should men cut their Hair? (rprnt Phrenology Journal) | Alexander Wilder | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p218 |
The Theosophist | Homoeopathy & harmony | Krishnadhan Mukerji | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p219 |
The Theosophist | The Religion of a Great Statesman (Leon Gambetta 1838-1882) | Frederick Harrison | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p220 |
The Theosophist | A mode of Divination among the Parsis | JN Unwala | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p220 |
The Theosophist | Editor's Note [to "The Efficacy of Funeral Ceremonies"] | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p221 |
The Theosophist | The Efficacy of Funeral Ceremonies | NDK | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p221 |
The Theosophist | Gambetta's Eye & Brain | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p222 |
The Theosophist | By "Bell, Book & Candle" (2) (rprnt Catholic Mirror) | a missionary priest (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p223 |
The Theosophist | Zoroastrianism in the Light of Occult Philosophy (1) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p224 |
The Theosophist | Swami Dayanund - A Freethinker | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p224 |
The Theosophist | The Tantras | TS | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p226 |
The Theosophist | footnote to "The Tantras" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p226 |
The Theosophist | footnote to "Visishtadvaita Philosophy" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p228 |
The Theosophist | Visishtadwaita Philosophy | A. Govinda Charlu | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p228 |
The Theosophist | The Visishthadwaita Catechism Dissected | an Adwaitee | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p229 |
The Theosophist | Cosmical Rings & Rounds (Difficulties in the theory) | ST K * * * Chary (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p231 |
The Theosophist | [Reply to "Cosmical Rings and Rounds"] | ST K * * * Chary | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p232 |
The Theosophist | Editor's Note to "Lay Chela" | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p232 |
The Theosophist | Ltte - Subhuti's Sopara Relic | Peter D' Abrew | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p233 |
The Theosophist | The Nadigrandhams | N Chedumburam Iyer | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p233 |
The Theosophist | Light's Velocity | DMS (? DM Strong) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p234 |
The Theosophist | Editor's Note [to "Explanation Wanted"] | Ed. (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p234 |
The Theosophist | Explanation Wanted (Runic Arne Saknussem) | A Junior Student | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p234 |
The Theosophist | We Reply [to "Pertinent Questions"] | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p235 |
The Theosophist | Pertinent Questions: What is a Yogi? Is Vegetarianism necessary for advancement in Occultism? | HN Vakil | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p235 |
The Theosophist | How a Man Becomes a Hindu & a Brahman | A. Sankariah | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p235 |
The Theosophist | Psychometry & Archaeology | Poorna Chundra Mookherji | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p235 |
The Theosophist | Prof Max Muller's opinion wanted: Interpretation of Christ's last words by the Maya Vocables of Yucatan | anon (rprnt `Psychometric Circular`) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p236 |
The Theosophist | The Summum bonum of Hinduism & Buddhism | SM | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p236 |
The Theosophist | How to become a Brahman | T Sarman | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p236 |
The Theosophist | What is a "Perahera"? | A Ceylon Buddhist | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p236 |
The Theosophist | Editor's Note (Denton's Soul of Things) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p236 |
The Theosophist | Madras Hindu Charity High School | V Rama Rao | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p237 |
The Theosophist | An Attempt at a new Calendar - The Paine Hall Calendar - The era of the Martyrdom of Giordano Bruno | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p237 |
The Theosophist | The Calcutta School of Homoeopathy | Shooshee Bhoosun Mookerji (Mukerji) | y1883 | v4 | - | June | p238 |
The Theosophist | The First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Society | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | July+ | p1 |
The Theosophist | To Colonel HS Olcott | Peary Chand Mittra | y1883 | v4 | - | July+ | p1 |
The Theosophist | [Annual Report of the Bengal Theosophical Society] | Mohini Mohun Chatterji | y1883 | v4 | - | July+ | p1 |
The Theosophist | [Address delivered at the First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Society] | N Nath Sen (`Indian Mirror` editor) | y1883 | v4 | - | July+ | p2 |
The Theosophist | [Address delivered at the First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Society] | Dijendra Nath Tagore | y1883 | v4 | - | July+ | p3 |
The Theosophist | (The Observations of Dr Yaeger of Stutgart (Stuttgart)) | Leopold Salzer | y1883 | v4 | - | July+ | p4 |