The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

All entries

The TheosophistOur Fourth Yearanony1882v3-Septemberp291
The Theosophistfootnote to "Letters on Esoteric Theosophy"(HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp292
The TheosophistLetters on Esoteric TheosophyFrom an Anglo-Indiany1882v3-Septemberp292
The Theosophist"The Perfect Way"its Authors, AK & EM (HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp295
The TheosophistThe Nature of Nirvana from the southern Buddhistic point of viewSumangala Swaminnansey1882v3-Septemberp297
The TheosophistIn Re - "Busiris"anon (HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp297
The TheosophistAdwaita PhilosophyA "Swami" (? The Swami of Almora)y1882v3-Septemberp297
The TheosophistThe Philosophy of Spirit - Hierosophy, Theosophy & Psychosophy (1)William Oxleyy1882v3-Septemberp298
The Theosophistfootnotes to "The Philosophy of Spirit"(HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp298
The Theosophist(Letter, re W Oxley)Gjual-Khool M * * *y1882v3-Septemberp301
The TheosophistIdolatry in the Shastras"D" FTSy1882v3-Septemberp303
The TheosophistWho will Unriddle the Puranas?Pandit Udit Narain Sonpori Chackbarty1882v3-Septemberp303
The TheosophistAn Antidote for Scorpion-StingPandit Tribhuvannath Sapruy1882v3-Septemberp303
The TheosophistA Valuable SuggestionJGOy1882v3-Septemberp303
The TheosophistWhat is Madness?Perplexedy1882v3-Septemberp304
The TheosophistWe read in the "Pioneer" (on Government Education)various (HPB note)y1882v3-Septemberp304
The TheosophistThe Education CommissionAO Humey1882v3-Septemberp304
The Theosophist[Ltte re Self-Contradictions of the Bible]anony1882v3-Septemberp304
The TheosophistPuzzling QueriesBitra Ramaswamy Naiduy1882v3-Septemberp305
The Theosophistfootnotes to "Puzzling Queries"(HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp305
The TheosophistFragments of Occult Truth (III) (a letter from WH Terry)anony1882v3-Septemberp307
The Theosophistreview - Private Instructions in the Science & Art of Organic Magnetism by Chandos Leigh HuntEmma Hardinge Britteny1882v3-Septemberp314
The TheosophistThe Theosophical Society, its Objects & CreedArthur Theophilusy1882v3-Septemberp315
The Theosophistreview - The Indian Homoeopathic Review ed by BL Bhadurianony1882v3-Septemberp316
The Theosophistreview - A Lecture on the Peculiarities of Hindu Literature by CT Winfredanon (HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp317
The TheosophistIs Electricity Matter or Force?A Theosophist (HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp318
The Theosophistreview - The Debater (a weekly newspaper from Sydney, Australia)anon (HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp318
The Theosophistreview - The Free Church Monthlyanon (HPB)y1882v3-Septemberp318
The TheosophistWhat is Matter & What is Force - (A Reply)Another Theosophist (KH)y1882v3-Septemberp319
The Theosophist"CC Massey" & "Isis Unveiled"HX (? Allan O Hume)y1882v3-Septemberp324
The TheosophistA Protest (against "HX"), signed by 12 chelas: T Subba Row, S Ramaswamier, DK Mavalankar, GK Deb, NK BanerjeaDM, PS-T, DN, TTG, BDS, GD, & STK Charyy1882v3-Septemberp326
Psychic Notes(an extract from a paper by W Eglinton on "Mediums & Mediumship", Jan 12th, 1880)W Eglinton (1857-1933)y1882v4i4Feb 10+p3
Psychic Notes2 fillers - Note - 3 Business Noticesvariousy1882v4i4Feb 10+p3
Psychic Notesadvertisementsvariousy1882v4i4Feb 10+p4
Psychic NotesConceited Stupidity (... holds the same position in the many, which intellectual pride does in the few ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v4i4Feb 10p25
Psychic NotesIntellectual Pride (... it presupposes capability ... but remains a barrier)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v4i4Feb 10p25
Psychic NotesThe Great Doubt of Modern Spiritualism (we are trying to interest outsiders in the elements of spiritualism)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v4i4Feb 10p26
Psychic NotesWe republish on page 29 the letters of Mr Kellar from the Indian Daily News - The Testimony of a Conjuror(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v4i4Feb 10p28
Psychic NotesPersonal Experiences (instantaneous transfer of a letter from London to Calcutta)A. Gordony1882v4i4Feb 10p28
Psychic NotesLtte Indian Daily News (1) - A PropositionHarry Kellary1882v4i4Feb 10p29
Psychic NotesLtte - Slate Writing Séance (Lord William Beresford was present)A. Gordony1882v4i4Feb 10p30
Psychic NotesLtte Indian Daily News (2)Harry Kellary1882v4i4Feb 10p30
Psychic NotesLtte - Slate Writing Seance (Lord William Beresford was present)A. Gordony1882v4i4Feb 10p30
Psychic NotesLtte Indian Daily News (3)Harry Kellary1882v4i4Feb 10p30
Psychic NotesLtte Indian MirrorPurno Chunder Mukherjiy1882v4i4Feb 10p31
Psychic NotesTheosophy - republished from LightAF Tindally1882v4i4Feb 10p31
Psychic NotesLtte - Moulding Spirit HandsTL Nicholsy1882v4i4Feb 10p31
Psychic Notes4 fillersvariousy1882v4i4Feb 10p32
The TheosophistThe Work in Ceylonanony1882v4-Oct+p1
The TheosophistThe Education Commission at Poonaanony1882v4-Octoberp1
Showing 1501 to 1550 of 211352 entries