The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

All entries

The TheosophistBeggars in IndiaRao Bahadur Gopalrao Hari Deshkmuthy1880v2-Novemberp41
The TheosophistRemarkable Instance of Longevity (rprnt Weekly Times)TM Burnsidey1880v2-Novemberp42
The TheosophistIndian Art in London"Littlejohn"y1880v2-Novemberp42
The Theosophist[two advertisements]variousy1880v2-Novemberp44a+
The TheosophistWhat the Press Has Said About The Theosophistvarious anony1880v2-Novemberp44b+
The Theosophistacknowledge with thanks the following subscribers ...The Proprietors of the `Theosophist`y1880v2-Novemberp44c+
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, December 1st, 1880Editory1880v2-Decemberp45
The TheosophistGood News from Ceylonanony1880v2-Decemberp46
The TheosophistSwami Dayanand's Views about Yoga, a memorandumO.y1880v2-Decemberp46
The Theosophist[Dr Rudolph Falb claims affinities between Quichua (Quiche) & Arabic]anony1880v2-Decemberp46
The Theosophist[WBK of Poona writes re glowworms: simultaneous illumination from many individuals]anony1880v2-Decemberp46
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1880v2-Decemberp47
The TheosophistIs Man only a machine?Joseph Pollocky1880v2-Decemberp48
The TheosophistSpiritualism & Theosophy (2)HS Olcotty1880v2-Decemberp49
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1880v2-Decemberp49
The TheosophistThe Killing of Cows & other useful BeastsDayanand Saraswati Swamiy1880v2-Decemberp52
The Theosophist[a quote from Thomas Taylor - "a little learning is a dangerous thing" ...]anony1880v2-Decemberp52
The TheosophistThe Occult SciencesBarada Kanta Majumdary1880v2-Decemberp53
The TheosophistPranks of "Spirits" among laymen(`Cincinnati Enquirer`, HPB)y1880v2-Decemberp54
The TheosophistA Mischievous Ghost (rprnt Weekly Times)anony1880v2-Decemberp54
The TheosophistA Cremated Ghostanony1880v2-Decemberp54
The TheosophistThe Vedanta Philosophy (3)Surya Narayan, try1880v2-Decemberp55
The TheosophistSacred Places of IndiaRB Gopalrao Hari Deshmukhy1880v2-Decemberp55
The Theosophist"The Supernatural"CC Masseyy1880v2-Decemberp57
The TheosophistScorpion-bitePandit Pran Nath (1844-1931)y1880v2-Decemberp58
The TheosophistSatgoor SwamiLalla Maikoolaly1880v2-Decemberp58
The TheosophistA Physiological Test for Thief-catchingBatukram S Mehtay1880v2-Decemberp59
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1880v2-Decemberp59
The TheosophistPure Gold Artificially Made (2)James Price & Robert Boyle & P Davidsy1880v2-Decemberp60
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1880v2-Decemberp60
The TheosophistThoughts suggested by the Durga-PujaAn Arya Worshippery1880v2-Decemberp62
The TheosophistThe Pound of Flesh (rprnt Nineteenth Century)Moncure D Conway (1832-1907)y1880v2-Decemberp63
The TheosophistDr Wilson, extracts from his lettersHH Wilson (1786-1860)y1880v2-Decemberp67
The TheosophistLongevity of Trees (rprnt Banner of Light)anony1880v2-Decemberp67
The Theosophist[Peary Chand Mittra has written a biographical sketch about the late Dewan Ramcomul Sen]anony1880v2-Decemberp67
The TheosophistImportant Notice [re change of address of the office of the Theosophist]anony1880v2-Decemberp67
The Theosophistacknowledge with thanks the following subscribers ...The Proprietors of the `Theosophist`y1880v2-Decemberp68
The TheosophistA Word with Our FriendsHPBy1881v2-Jan+p1
The Theosophist(Testimonials to HS Olcott)anony1881v2-Jan+p2
The TheosophistSpecial Order of the War DepartmentCA Danay1881v2-Jan+p2
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)J Holty1881v2-Jan+p2
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)Ben Perley Poorey1881v2-Jan+p2
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)James Howlandy1881v2-Jan+p2
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)G Wellesy1881v2-Jan+p2
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)Marshall P Wildery1881v2-Jan+p2
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)John Sedgwicky1881v2-Jan+p3
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)Wm E Chandlery1881v2-Jan+p3
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)GV Foxy1881v2-Jan+p3
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)Edwards Pierreponty1881v2-Jan+p3
The Theosophist(Testimonial to HS Olcott)PH Watsony1881v2-Jan+p3
Showing 451 to 500 of 211352 entries