The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Mahatma Letters

A collection of texts revealing the meaning of The Mahatma Letters.

 Searchable Library Catalogue of Theosophical Texts

The following reading list attempts to achieve a balance between the older classical books and modern expositions:

  • Jinarajadasa, C.(Ed.) Early Teachings Of The Masters 1881-1883 (TPH 1923)
  • The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett — Comp. & transcribed by A Trevor Barker,
  • The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett — [chronological edition] arr. & ed. by Vicente Hao Chin, Jr.
  • Jinarajadasa, C.(Ed.) Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom — Series 1 & 2 (TPH 1910/1948)
  • Jinarajadasa, C.(Ed.) The K.H. Letters to C.W. Leadbeater (TPH 1941)
  • Hanson, Virginia An Introduction to The Mahatma Letters [study course available from TS in Australia]
  • Hanson, Virginia Masters and Men: The Human Story in The Mahatma Letters (TPH 1980)
  • Barborka, Geoffrey A. The Mahatmas and Their Letters (TPH 1973)


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