The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Canberra Group

Meets third Saturday of each month from 2 to 4pm

Coordinator: Gordon Herbert
Mobile: 0466 464 064 

Postal Address: 9 Backhouse Street, Latham, ACT 2615
Email: [email protected]
Bulletins: Current and previous Bulletins from the Canberra Group can be viewed at:  Canberra Group Bulletins

Meeting place: Friends' Meeting House, 17 Bent Steet, Turner (on the corner of Bent and Condamine Streets)
Meet: 2 - 4 pm 3rd Saturday each month.

2024 Programme

2.00pm     Saturday 17 August

Topic: Stardust to Star - Our evolutionary Path

Presenter:  Dr Wendy Dixon

About the Presentation

We will explore the vast scope of evolution from the Monad’s inhabitation of the first, second and third elemental kingdoms, then the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms and entry into the human kingdom and beyond. What have we learnt in this journey?  How have we learnt, and with the aid of what forces?  What are the main evolutionary impulses of each of the kingdoms of nature and how can we assist the evolution of the life waves that follow us. How do we assist the evolution of the life waves that precede us.

About the Presenter:

Dr Wendy Dixon is a long term member of the Theosophical Society, joining the youth group in Auckland as a 12 year old and becoming a member at 16. She studied with Geoffrey Hodson and Charles Marresh. She is a devotee of the foundational works of Madame Blavatsky, Besant, Leadbeater, Hodson, Krishnamurti and Taimni in particular, though any book will find her unaware of the world outside (she loves to read). In her earlier life, Wendy had an international career as an operatic soprano soloist and she still performs as a recitalist with David Miller - piano. Now that she has retired from paid work she divides her time between Theosophical, Tibetan Buddhist and musical activities.

2.00pm     Saturday 21 September

Topic:  Know Thyself: Heal Thyself

Presenter:  Marie McArdle

About the Presentation

When you hit your shin against the leg of a table oftentimes your first impulse is to rub the shin without first thinking whether it might help to do so. How did you learn this self-healing? If a toddler falls and hurts itself, why does your kiss to the area stop the pain and crying? If you can create ill health and disease in your physical body and mind, why can’t you simply reverse the process to bring about a healthy condition?

In this talk we will explore the nature of healing particularly through the lens of theosophical teachings, and especially those provided by the founders such as hypnosis and magnetic healing that were all the rage in their lifetime. In contrast, we will look at what advanced science research has to say about those same modalities today.

We will investigate what changed within the theosophical movement and why HPB and Olcott suddenly shied away from healing themselves and others. Overlaying this, we will explore the meaning of the inscription on the doorway of the Temple of Apollo, “Nothing in Excess, Know Thyself” and consider the benefits to be had when we understand the motives behind our actions by distinguishing our thoughts and actions from external circumstances.

This talk will also cover the importance of gaining wisdom to know ourselves so as to be in a better place to appreciate the power of faith and will, which in turn influences the mind over body to produce healing.

About the Presenter:

 Marie took up meditation and yoga in her late teens while starting a bachelor of science in applied chemistry. When working as a chemist in the pharmaceutical industry in her twenties she also studied naturopathy after experiencing an illness from a trip to China and finding orthodox medicine was unable to assist. After completing a diploma in naturopathy, she acquired a diploma in homoeopathy and then travelled to India to work in a homoeopathic hospital in Kolkata. From there she made her way for the first time to the TS headquarters in Adyar, Chennai. Marie joined the TS 30 years ago in an effort to try to understand the many psychic experiences she had experienced while growing up - only to find the esoteric philosophy teachings available opened her mind to other interests. Marie was a member of the executive committee of both Blavatsky Lodge in Sydney and the Canberra Branch, including a term as President for each, and was also a member of the executive committee of the National Section of the TS. Marie now writes and gives talks about her research and insights.

2.00pm     Saturday 19 October

Topic:  Unlocking the Wisdom Within

Presenter:  Stephen McDonald

About the Presentation

 In this informative talk, Stephen McDonald will explore the notion of intelligence as the foundation of all life.  Drawing on experiences and teachings, particularly those of his mentor in homeopathy, Dr. Parimal Banerji, Stephen will examine intelligence in the context of universal principles. Theosophical insights, modern scientific perspectives, and practical applications in health underscore the holistic understanding of intelligence, challenging conventional preconceptions.

About the Presenter:

Stephen McDonald, an active member of the Theosophical Society (T.S.) since 1976 and past President of the Blavatsky Lodge, was elected National President of the T.S. in Australia in 2020.  He has a background in natural therapies and tertiary education, including a Master of Health Science degree from Newcastle University.  He aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of classic theosophical teachings by demonstrating their relevance and importance in contemporary thought.


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